when to flush a plant before harvest??

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by iRipRegularly, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. when do you flush a plant before you harvest like how many weeks. and once u start flush can u still give nutes to it?? i have this stuff called bud candy and ur suppost to use it during the middle of flowering till harvest, thats why i ask:smoke:....
  2. Here's a question. Why would you want remove nutrients from the soil at the most important time in the plants life?
  3. exactly tell me, cause the whole flush thing kinda confuses me, if u could fill me in that would be awesome:smoke:
  4. Flush 1-2 weeks before harvest time. It flushes out all the salt (nutrients) that you have been building up in the soil. Helps the plant "flush" out that crap. Ya it helps the plant grow, true but toward the end it slows down in growth. If you dont care about quality and don't mind smoking a joint with a dirty taste and super black ash.. Don't flush. If u want smooth tasting joint with a clean burn and white ash then flush. Decision is up to you sir...
  5. Scientific proof....?
  6. No one's going to refute the no flushing theory?
    I was hoping to get a good dialogue going here.
  7. #8 Kevin08, Dec 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2010
    Why would you want to taste the nutes in your bud? The flush gets rid of the excess in the soil, increases your plants nitrogen intake for the last 2 weeks, and essentially cleans up the taste of the bud, which is what we all want.
  8. So budculturist what do you recon I do to get the plants to remove excess nitrogen or is it needed in your opinion? I always see peoples plants finishing with yellowed leaves and I can never, even with 2 weeks straight tap water, get them to yellow any more than the bottom couple rows of leaves. I suppose it is b/c dwc? what is your method of finishing a plant? how do you determine when to begin only specific supplemental nutrition for finishing, if that is what you are suggesting? What would you suggest be the optimal way to finish a plant in bubblebucket?

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