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When my tolerance break ends...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Bleenix, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. I'm going to be so fucking happy. Boy, do I miss the herb. The insomnia/weird dream thing is the only negative thing I've noticed since I started my break. Oh yeah, and the desire to smoke after class everyday. Can't fucking wait to hotbox my room march 4th!

    Just needed to let it out. Goodnight! :smoke:
  2. are you jealous i'm smoking some fire rite now? i'm glad i control my smoking to keep my tolerance down.

  3. This is a dick comment! OP is a tolerance break and instead of encouraging him with his t break you make a smartass comment. Nobody needs smartasses here.

    OP, I wouldn't be able to imagine how high i would be after a t break and hot boxing my room!!

    Looks like march 4th is going to be a great day for you! :smoke:
  4. ^nobody completes t-breaks anyway. he'll be smoking within a few days.

  5. Actually all the people I know that take a t-break go through with it.

    Have you taken a t-break and not gone through with it? :confused:
  6. Damn march is so far away! i could never go that long without smokin, gl with that bro.

  7. Way to be a dick.
  8. I'm doing pretty well on it actually. Obviously I want to smoke, but the thought of flying beyond anywhere I've been in a while makes me not give into it
  9. Good luck! I've been meaning to take a break but it's too difficult to imagine doing. :eek:

    You'll be smoking a day before my birthday. Have fun with your intergalactic travels! :smoking:
  10. longest Ive gione was 3 months man o man it was just like my first time
  11. I'm on day 4 right now. Longest I've gone since I started smoking 2 years ago was a week when I went out east to visit family. February 22 is going to be an amazing day :smoke:

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