When it comes down to it

Discussion in 'General' started by 88or89, May 24, 2008.

  1. weed definitely has this strange stranglehold on me. An stranglehold that I don't think I'll ever be able to kick. That may not be a bad thing, but at the end of the day, the deeper I sink into being a stoner, and as the years pass, I realize that all the shit those propaganda nazis spew about marijuana may have some validity to it. Weed does form a psychological addiction on the user and it is a gateway drug.

    I know that every person is different, and that weed is only a gateway drug to me because I have made the personal decision to use other drugs, but I know that it would just be different had I never started smoking. Sometimes the way I feel when I'm dry and my dealer can't come though just isn't normal, and I really don't know how to change that except pop some vics or dabble in coke or do some other dumb shit. Even though I'm typing this as I sit in my house high on some vicodin, I just feel like I'll never be able to kick the habit, and even though it hasn't necessarily hurt me yet, it eventually will.
  2. I'm addicted to herb, but the difference between whether an addiction is a problem or not is control. Part of my control is being broke and in school - heh, and the other part is I have certain priorities that cannot, nor will I allow them to, be outruled by it.

    The only reason I'd consider herb to be a gateway drug, however, is because I was introduced to other drugs by/through it - NOT because I needed something "harder" as they taught in school.
  3. haha being broke is not a factor in not becoming addicted, being addicted is why your broke, dont lie, if you had the money you know you would smoke EVERY SINGLE DAY unless u had somethin really important to do

    and yes, marijuana is addictive and is also a gateway drug, potheads will deny it to the fullest, but denial is a main feature of addict behavior

    edit: one of my rehab counselors summed up denial beautifully, although one word is off Dont Even kNow I Am Lying

    you may believe with all your heart that weed isnt addictive or a gateway drug and you think its your honest opinion, but the simple fact is that it is addictive and a gateway drug so therfor ru in denail about it
  4. Actually I have to pay rent and only get about eight hours a week at minimum wage ($8.15/Hour), so if you do the math... 8.15x8x4x.75 [Wage x Hours/Week x Week/Month x What I get after taxes] = $195.60, and my rent is ~$375 a month. I've sold a lot of my shit and do things on the side to make up for the defecit, and to be honest - I maybe buy a dub every other week. So I hate to say it, but I'm not broke because I'm addicted or even vice versa. And furthermore I'm not only brutally honest, but I'm not in denial. I stated right in my post that I was addicted but in control. The only thing I'm in denial about is where the world is potentially going.

  5. denial...I think people use the word to make there point valid...its not a gateway, I've been smoking for years, I have money right now for bud...I dont have any bud...I don't have a damn thing to do I just don't feel like getting high atm. I never once thought of trying any other drug,even when I do want to get high and can't find shit, I just find other shit to do. I'm happy with the high I get from the herb. Some people are different and will try other drugs, but that dose not make it a gateway. and just because someone is broke and cant buy any bud doesn't make that addicted to it...you have no idea why he would be broke. I'm not trying to come off as an asshole know it all, but I know it aint no gateway.
  6. I totally disagree with bud being addictive. I smoked a 1/2 1/8th a day for probably like 3 months and had to stop because i was broke and the only thing different was that TV wasn't as funny, food wasn't as good and my appetite decreased (it really did) and some crazy ass dreams (mostly meeting my dead relatives or friends). I didn't have any cravings or any bullshit like that. Just bored. Gateway drug is a total croc of shit. No one forces other drugs on you, people make their own decisions. Life is a gateway drug.
  7. Then it's....not a gateway drug. Bzzzt.

    Denial of personal responsibility is a main feature of addict behavior. "Denial" is also the word that's been battered into meaninglessness by every hypocrite boozer, chain-smoker, and religious bigot that I've ever met.

    Excuse me, add "ThiefieMcshootsnort" to that list, too
  8. its no more of a gateway drug than fucking alcohol....honestly to me alcohol is even more a gateway drug, would you try coke the first time while being drunk off your ass or high as a kite the answer is fucking obvious
  9. I have no illusions about the seductiveness of weed, or its introductory capabilities into the world of drugs.

    But the way I see it is, if there wasnt weed, then something even harder would become this "gateway drug."

    And instead of many, many people enjoying soley this mostly harmless plant, they would start off with somethin nastier, more addictive, and more powerful.

    Be blessed that weed is the gateway drug, and not say, cocaine, or e.
  10. Idk dude, guess you're right when you say everyone is different. I doubt weed is a gateway drug if I wasn't interested in cocaine when it was offered to me. I think it would be more accurate to label liquior or maybe even certain meds gateway drugs.
  11. I disagree. I mean yeah, everyone does weed FIRST. Then sometimes people, most people, end up trying other things. I've tried my fair share of shrooms and blow and salvia, etc., but I am over all that. I decided in order to be successful and not fuck up my life outlook I'd stop doing all that. I treat weed like alcohol - it is a good time drug. Only without the hangovers.

    The point is, it is a mental thing. If you have enough inner strength to reject things you've done in the past, you can stop doing it. I have no urges to do anything besides weed at this point. I have too much to risk right now.
  12. Your right..everyone is different. Mj wasnt a gateway drug for me....

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