When Is The Democrat Or Republican Party Going To Put The Marijuana Cause On Their Platform?

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by JoeVullion13254, May 18, 2013.

  1. #1 JoeVullion13254, May 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2013
    every hot button issue has a party representing them! The feminazi abortionists got the Democrats. The gun nuts got the Republicans. The religious kooks got the Republicans. The illegal aliens got the Democrats. The corporations got the Republicans. The gay mafia got the Democrats. 
    I want to see marijuana prohibition end and the consumers protected. I want adults to have the choice to use marijuana as a safer alternative to alcohol. I want the DEA to stop screwing patients!
    Wheres your gang? Whos fighting for you? I was hoping that either the Democrats would support the cause since 60+% of Democrats support it. Or the Republican party turns libertarian and takes up the issue. But no, BOTH parties are equally against you stabbing you in the back!  
    This is the ONLY issue with a majority support that BOTH parties shit on! Obama wont take marijuana out of schedule 1 and keeps raiding medical marijuana patients. And hes a Democrat. You are OPPRESSED if you dont have either 1 or both gangs fighting for you!  And now Patrick Kennedy and Jimmy Carter both SHIT you on committing treason! Both liberal Democrats! Both of them supported marijuana reform recently, now they betrayed you and are lobbying against your marijuana rights. 
    Somethings gotta change quick. Theres wayyy too much apathy within the movement. Every marijuana consumer gotta vote, join organizations like norml, mpp and dpa. Email your representatives and be involved in the political process. Otherwise if you dont take it seriously, nothing will get better! You need to be represented like everyone else. Not end up like NAMBLA or the jews in nazi germany. 
    No longer think of yourself as a marijuana smoker. Think of yourself as a marijuana voter! When you go to the polls, when you see how they vote for you, when you see whether or not they voted for a pro marijuana bill, dont pull that lever till theyre with you. 
    Heres an example how the marijuana smokers need to be! These are cigar smokers fighting for their rights. You need something like this for marijuana!

  2. My bet is that it will happen if the federal government is still undecided on the legality of weed in Colorado and Washington within a couple of years or wait for Colorado or Washington to get new representatives or senators.
  3. #3 claygooding, May 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2013
    .Right after the elections in 2014 if we can vote out some long standing prohib legislators,,like Boehnner,Wolf and Grassey.
  4. I personally feel most republicans have outdated as fuck views..and they want the 'glory days' of Regan back..
    Good use of the scare quotes... I remember the days when ketchup was called a vegetable for those on free lunch programs. Glory like that, you can keep.
    As to the OP--
    The problem with cannabis law reform, IMO, is that it is not a hot button issue for the public at large, until recently, and so was easy to ignore. Democrats, liberals, and progressives don't make legalization the main arbiter of their votes even though it is fairly apparent that there is vastly more support for legalization than among Republicans and conservatives. So there is little reward for politicians to buck the status quo and potentially plenty of punishment (the infamous 'soft on crime' labeling).
    I think that when, I say when, boy, legalization does happen, it's not going to be because cannabis law reform is a main issue at all. I think there will be a vote in the Congress (when 30+ states have medical marijuana and double digits have legalized it for all purposes) which will quietly (from their point of view. We, of course, will party loud and blow gallons of ganja smoke in the face of every DEA agent and piss-tester we can find) end one of the most embarrassing endeavors into social engineering this country has ever engaged in.
  6. Legalization IS officially part of the democratic party of Colorado's platform. Has been since last year, though I am not sure how much that helped to pass 64. My senator, Jared Polis, has been the co-author of several federal bills as well. So there are some who are listening.

    Up until recently, support for legalization has been a career ender. It was basically an admission of 'wrong doing'. Because if you supported it, you obviously were an 'addict'. But times are changing fast, and it is no longer taboo. Politics are almost always behind the will of the people.
  7. I don't think that this a strict Dem/Rep issue.  While I would guess that more supporters are liberal,  I have met many liberals who are against, and in contrast a suprizing number of conservative who support it.  From what I've seen it is as split within the parties as it is with the public. 
  8. anyone who has morals will come out in support of it. 
  9. The defintion of morals changes with the wind direction.
  10. I need to move to Canada.... U.S. Politics piss me off every single day, I must escape it!!!
  11. What's easier to control for the uber wealthy of the world? One party? Two? Three?
    ((Depends how much a guise of "choice" you wish to create.))
    To this end, two parties are most easily controllable financially, and the polar opposite stances of each party work splendidly to whip people into a frenzy and scream at each other, rather than looking to the politicians and the corporations and all their "good deeds."
    You will not find answers within two bought and sold parties.
  12. I think the reason that neither party has claimed it is because it's not really partisan.  It's true that democrats are more likely to be for legalization, but there are also many libertarian-republicans that are also for legalization.  On the other side, you have liberal soccer moms and conservative bible thumpers that are against legalization.  Even though the majority are for legalization, any single candidate will be in disagreement with some of his or her followers by backing legalization.  Therefore, most people running try not to bring it up at all.  By taking a side, they risk pissing off half their supporters.  It sucks, but it's the reality we have to deal with.
  13. Never . You can't trust the gov for anything except to lie. It won't be in the so called:"two party system" The system was made broken and cannot be fixed, nor do they want it to be. If you are holding your breath for the government to actually do something positive for the people you will be waiting a long time...
  14. Sometimes I wonder if there's really a difference between the two parties...
  15. Well hopefully neither party will adopt it as one of their major points. If one supports it then the other will grow against it, thats how the parties are going. It should grow it will be the norm and people on both sides will support it
  16. Well, since both parties are controlled by the same banks/corporations, you are already seeing their efforts to funnel it into the corporations' hands in the very leftist media. It's more or less being championed by the left, and the right is just being the good "straight man" and playing their opposing role in this drama. There will NEVER be outright support from either side. But you already see how they want to funnel it all to pharma and the government bureacracy machine, along with big oil.
    The sooner you stop looking at the two parties as anything but one big happy, the clearer things become.

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