"When I Was A Kid/teen"

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by AgressiveDimple, Jul 24, 2011.

  1. Simple.Dumb shit you did as a kid. When I was a kid, I stole cough syrup from the drug store all the time until they installed a camera. When I was a kid, I thought the world was black and white until color television.
    Keep it going!
  2. Ever since I was a young boy
    I've played the silver ball
    From Soho down to Brighton
    I must have played them all

    Had to when I seen the title
  3. But I ain't seen nothing like him
    In any amusement hall
    That deaf, dumb and blind kid
    Sure plays a mean pinball

    when i was a kid i believed in catholicism
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  4. Bottle Rocket.

    Shoot at neighbors.

    Bad idea.

  5. I had a bottle rocket fight once. I got burned really bad.
  6. So did the neighor lady.

    And i got my ass whooped at home.
  7. When I was I kid I thought weed was bad.
  8. Setting: February of grade 9. 1.5 months after I started blazing, a huge light weight at this point, but I discovered the side of me that likes getting fucked up. Show up to school with $120. Buy 4 weeds cookies, and 6 20sacs.

    Eeat 3 cookies, give 1 to my friend to split with his buddy. We go behind the safeway and roll up 4 joints, and pack numerous bowls. I was so fucked up I could barely keep my eyes open. After we were done they said they were going to split and invited me to come to their buddies house, I told them nah I had to get shit from school so I gave 'em props and left.
    Get into my Jewelry class (it was actually fun. All the boys did was melt shit down IE pennies, and fuck around with the blow torch.) get into class, realized I had a 20 sac in my pocket and another 2 in my locker. I sit down everything is going smoothly. Teacher goes, "I have to make an announcement."
    "If you smoke pot at lunch, or smoke pot any time during the day, do not come to this class!"

    Now, my fatal mistake at this point was not realizing he had no idea who it was, but I thought he did know. So, I stand up laughing. Everyone sees me and starts laughing I pick up my bad, "I'm sorry," *chuckle*
    Walk about 20 feet from the school realize what the fuck I just did, had a major "herp-derp" moment. Walked back into class, and he told me he was sending the councilor to meet me. I told this kid in my class to take the weed out of my locker and that he could keep it. He goes and gets it. As I'm walking to class I see them checking my locker, but they didn't find anything.
  9. Tl;dr - fucked a girl and got herpes
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  10. me and my friends hid in this bush about one foot away from the street,so it was reallly close.all three of us had these very high powered airsoft guns and they were automatic to and shot a bunch of peletts really fast.so this convertible wiht the top down drives by with this guy and this girl,and we SPRAY the shit out of them and they screach to a hault,and the guy was about to get out,but when he realized we wrent scared and keep shooting he ran back in his car and drove away.

    me and my friends toilet paperd a house,egged it and ding dong dtiched it after.the guy came out with this pit bull and we fucking dipped lol
  11. #11 Catlyfe, Jul 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I'm sorry bro. :(

  12. I'd set off loud firecrackers and people would think they had a blow out. :smoke:

  13. hahahahaha you stoner you
  14. When I was a kid like around gr 7 ish; I was an Arse hole, me and my friends use to pick on younger grades but not by bullying. We would be chillen just kickin soccer ball against a wall and these 4th graders would fuck with our game and run infront of us. So we just started owning them with soccer balls to the face.

    We use to play mini sticks at recess, (it got so intense and big the principal got rinks painted on the pavement) well these same kids would run threw the middle of our games cause they were playing "tag".......we started stepping into them and rocking them.

    Some guys got suspended lots got detentions
  15. I was addicted to gambling as a kid.
    Marbles was a tough game. I used to steal my brothers marbles (he had a coffee can full) and make bets with local kids at the park about how many marbles I can knock out in one shot.

    Needless to say, thank goodness the bets weren't placed on money .
  16. man that really sucks

    fucked a girl and almost got her pregnant.
    scariest shit ever. I hate kids. babies look hideous. All they do is prohibit your ability to pursue your dreams. I guess I'll never accept the "joys" of parenthood
  17. it's just a little bump that disappears and reappears every couple months - haven't seen it in 6 actually. I don't think much of the virus is in my body haha!

  18. Ha, that's awesome.
  19. one time i ordered 200 dollars of chinese food to this guys house and he had to pay it!!!
  20. When I was a 14 year old noob stoner freshman in high school, I carried varying amounts of weed, my bowl and a lighter in one pocket of my backpack for months. I would leave school during one of the lunch waves, smoke a bowl by myself, and go back high as hell to class. Such stupid ideas at the time, that's before I started having fun with weed.

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