When do you take your clones?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by joe_fresh, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. just curious when the best time to take clones is ?
  2. I have taken clones during flowering, even very late flowering and revegged them but I like to clone in veg then give them time to recover before throwing them into 12/12 :wave:
  3. idealy I would want to take em during veg, unless I didnt know the sex of the plant....
  4. agreed. but if you don't know the sex, take cuttings at your first sure sign and put back under 24 hrs. or 18 light to grow.
  5. I try to get them in veg too. But occasionally one will impress the shit outta me in flower and a take a cut or two.

    I just feel that it stresses them a little much if taken during bloom. Having to root at the same time as reverting back to veg. I think it would give me a headache if I have to go through this myself. LOL

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