when do i start to set up a trellis for plants

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Bigsby1978, Jul 17, 2017.

  1. i was just wondering how big or what stage of growth should i set up a trellis

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  2. First off is it depends on how big you intend to grow your plants. I use cages (But I am growing in 100 gal smart pots) and set them up when the are about 3'-4' tall. Then when they pop out the top I zip tie domes over the top of them so they can grow to about 7' - 8'. You would probably be better to use stakes and trellis twice over your whole garden with trellis netting. We used 3/4" conduit pipes or "T" posts pounded in the ground and zip tied trellis net to it. Others may have other ideas as well. Happy Harvesting! IMG_2471.JPG
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  3. Youre gonna have to figure that out on your own man. Start with a plan and try to get an idea of what height u want your plant to rest at. Some people aim for 2ft, some 4ft, some 10ft. Will all depend on your own preference/time window/space limits. I personally didn't trellis my plant till it was in its permanent spot
  4. The lower the plant the wider it'll be the longer you veg it. That's if you're tucking everything. You can just put one every 1.5ft and let it grow up. That'll protect it from winds. Take width into account in your blueprint
  5. nice setup
  6. T
    Thanks brother. Happy Growing
  7. here is how am looking for august ran into no issues its nice and green and health :)

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