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What's your Government upto?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Digit, Aug 19, 2002.


Why did your government make Cannabis ilegal and why is it still ilegal?

  1. They made it ilegal in the first place because They simply feared the unknown. it's still ilega

    0 vote(s)
  2. They made it ilegal in the first place because they are stupid .... and they are still stupid today.

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  3. They made it ilegal in the first place because Harry J Anslinger (politican) and his uncle (wealthy

    0 vote(s)
  4. They made it ilegal in the first place because Canabis is bad and it is really unhealthy for you. I

    0 vote(s)
  5. They made it ilegal in the first place because they liked the idea of being in control of the people

    0 vote(s)
  1. well i think it's about time i got back to doing some interesting polls to check the public reaction. So without further ado...
  2. i voted for stupidity, because, well they are stupid...but i think number three was prolly more true...although four, i think was the one about the rebels...sounds about right as well....confused am i ..but i voted..and i got the first vote!!
  3. I voted #2 because I just woke up and i'm waaaay to fucking lazy to read all of the other ones ;)
  4. I had a hard time choosing in between them being stupid and the last choice. I picked the last one. The government doesnt want the people to think and marijuana can put a person into a really deep contemplative mood. If they are on herion (or different forms of opiates), they dont really care about anything but the buzz.

    But I think once the government finds a way to tax the hell out of it and can get a major profit from the sell of marijuana. I think they will probably legalize it. But I'm really, really stoned right now so if that made no sense then just ignore it. LOL.
  5. Hey digit you know what our govt is up to....phony tony has his head up his ass.....he's too bust trying to go and fight the world when he has enough problems at home, the firemen are about to strike, the nurses arn't getting paid enough and as allways the labour govt is trying to cover up the fact that they received donations from people in large companies who want a piece of the action....i.e. money to get questions raised in parliament and also fucking 2 jags and the fact that the fat bastard won't get the fucking instead he gets 2 jaguars that are fucking bomb proof at like £150,000 each, and he was supposed to be the transport minister telling people about the great public transport service yet he would never get on one just gets worse and infuriates me more........FREEDOM.......Peace out....Sid
  6. Praise da sid! Sidius.... dude... U voted for the middle one right? hahahahah... of course u did...

    NAAAAAAAAAAAAAM! what? hahah u lazy ass stoner. and all the rest of yas who voted and will vote for option 2.... hahaha just because u r too stoned to read option three! soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy if it's a little too long for yas... but u gotta BEAT that dislexia and fight (read) through! ............................................................................................................................................... ...................................................... ................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................ .......................................................................... ..................................................................... ................................................................ ............................................................................... . hehehehe. em... totally forgot what i was on about ... some one here said something about chocolate bananas and i totally lost the plot on a big giggle fit.... em yweah..... this has been my fist post while stoned for a while and upon reflection i think its been a real corcker!!! hehehehehhehehehehehe. lol,,,, bigtime.!!!

    woah.... what a rush... what was that... oh yeah im stoned... my brain has been switched on.................. WOAH! i just got switch's name!!!!!!!!!! it's like your brain being switched on yeah??? switch? SWITCH? tell me i'm right yeah?? ok ... i'm gonna go before i loojk too stoned............ DO MY EYESA LOOK RED???????????????????


  7. not really but why not?

    oh and sid- wtf are you gonna do- elect the tories? Lib dems are gettin my vote next election- po-sa-bloy...
  8. ok switch ... maybe i had u sussed wrong.

    why u think tories... ?????????? there are more than three parties!!!! green party!?!?!!!!!? Legalise Cannabis Alliance!!!!!!!!??!?!??!??!?! and all the others that i'd probably not vote for.
  9. yer but they are never going to get in with all of three candidates each...

    ps your fucking avatar reminds me so much of chris evans...

  10. nope SNP..........and even at that.........they're politicians, and still can't be trusted..............Peace out...........Sid
  11. oh goody !

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