What's your favorite growers tape?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Mauwie420Wauwie, Jun 19, 2019.

  1. I'm looking for some really strong tape to repair branches. I've tried using regular tape and packing tape but both failed after just one day with this rain and wind. I'm wondering if those green tapes are worth buying? Duct tape seems like a viable option just wanted to hear so others opinions if you would:passtheshit:
  2. parafilm for plant. grafting tape 20190619_091216.jpg
  3. Damn I just read up on that from amazon seems to be the real deal but I'm just wondering will it hold heavier branches? The little branch in the picture I seen was tiny, how well does the adhesive stick
  4. I don't use tape to repair broken stems, but when I do use tape, I use Gorilla Tape. Now that there's some good fucking tape. It's how they shoulda made duct tape in the first place.

    Most of my problem stems get zip tied to a stake. Wooden kabob skewers make good stakes for small plants.
  5. I like that zip tie idea also I bet thatd work great i tried doing something similar with just a stick and a bendable plant i found nearby lol
  6. this parafilm I post is stretchable don't have adhesive it sticks alone seal very good against water and air but will no hold heavy branch but you can use wire or other heavy tape to keep the branch in place
  7. Gorilla Glue tape work excellent for a broken main stock. That I broke on purpose as part of a super cropping technique.

    Pic 1 n 2 are 3 weeks ago.
    Pic 3 is yesterday.[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
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  8. Damn those looking nice
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  9. With big branches: splint them using popsicle sticks, bamboo or other sticks you have around. I have splinted full tree trunks before. The wax is to seal out air and allow the plant to maintain pressure.
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  10. Ok so I'm buying popsicle sticks, parafilm, and zip ties then I'll be a dr green thumb for sure
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  11. Thanks man
    yeah I took a a piece of cardboard and wrapped it around the stalk and then took my pliers and lightly crushed it until it was pliable. Then I support it with a bamboo steak and also supported it from the cage top with garden ribbons so it wouldn't swing and it didn't take very long at all and it was sealed back up and good as new and is now free standing by itself.
    The Gorilla Tape work really well for sealing out all the air and water. It's a very strong tape
  12. Sweet I'ma have to try that one it looks like it works well if I can ever find these girls a forever home again neighbor found them and made me move then off his property and I got a tree service wiping a lot of trees once the rain breaks for long enough and without the tomato cages around them now theye falling all over straight sideways even giving me a few broken branches to deal with
  13. They make green stretchy tape with no adhesive on it. In the garden section. I use that stuff and just tie it. Got the method from the "mendo dope boys" out of Mendocino county California.
  14. That's what made me originally wonder what others used was because I seen that and wondered is there anything better
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