What's wrong with this plant

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Roniin, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. Always have had issues with this one. While the others were a foot high, this one was 6". Planted same time. Feed/water same time as others. Leaves dry, dying, was stunted younger somehow, i topped it to try and save it, which worked. It has had great growth. When it was stunted, it grew and stretched tremendously which is why it's, spindley..
    Is this genetic, viral, wtf is happening to it.

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  2. Also, I'm sticking it outside today hoping to re-veg outdoors. Will that work? Reveg all year til bloom again

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  3. Looks like overwatering with the curled down tips and muddy soil. More light and better soil that has aeration (perlite etc) mixed in should help a lot. The stretching is lack of light, but if you're going outdoors that should solve that problem.

    When you say reveg, did you flip this plant to 12/12 already?
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  4. The rest of the plants are fine, she's been side by side with them, they all turned out very well but her.

    (Below pics are some of other plants grown with the one with issues)

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  5. It certainly seems like the advice given is spot on. For whatever reason this plant needs something different than your others. No need to sweat it, just give give her what she needs.

    Sent from my SM-G900V
  6. I'll transplant tomorrow in the morning so she's not in shock at night.

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  7. Any other comments? I'm not sure what else to do

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