I check on my plants and now they are wilting I just misted some water where the Rockwool hoping they just are just thirsty
Definately not thirsty they need some air and let them dry out what light are they under! Sent from my SM-N910T using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Do you know how hot it is where your plant is at Sent from my SM-N910T using Grasscity Forum mobile app
can you ad more info on lights your using, temps, nutrients water/feeding schedule ph of the watering feeding and soil? i'm not even going to wager a guess with the info provided but damn girl, i'd be worried too. =/ usually over watering provides dark heavy leaves that weigh down the stems not so much wilty stems. heat? something with the feeding? grow medium? not sure. Sorry i'm no expert but i know you'll get better answers if you provide more detailed info on what led up to the wilting.
Not too hot at all. They sprung back up after I have them water? I have no idea what I did. The Rockwool was dry so I watered it and now they look better but the leafs on the shorter one are still dark
Ph is good, no nutes yet, the light was recommended by someone at a hydroponics store. I gave them more water and they sprung back up?
Probably just let them dry out a little much then. if they're picking back up it must have been it. Remember how light the pot was and don't let it get that light again.
Hi . Wen did ya put the rock wool in the soil?? If in last day or so it cub be shock. Shock of hitting nute filled so etc. Just a guess. I sometimes get simular if get clones of sum one in rockwool as soon as hit batmix they shock but cum back in a few days if half decent clones.. not sure if this will help. Good luck though love xx
Ps also cover the rockwool wi soil and wen u water them then watet around them.. not on top of rockwool. Only about 100ml water depending on how hot it is. Watering aroynd them a few inches from stalk in a circular motion... this makes root search for water and it wont over water them like it does from top xxx