=[ They looked fine until now. I think it had something to do with the light being too close. That or some nute deficiencies. If the pictures aren't clear... theres yellowing on the bottom leaves of most of the plants. One of them has severe spots on the leaves but that was the one right under the light, which might be because of heatstress. HELP!
looks like a nitrogen or phosphorus deficiency.did you feed them at all yet?? what kinda soil are you using and how old are they
Yes i've been using bigbloom and Growbig. I honestly can't tell you how old they are because my mother planted them and doesn't remember . How can I salvage?
honestly they looks pretty bad.if you have no choice but to salvage em id flush em right away..let em dry out good for a few days then water em with a half strength of grow big.
Hey, mom here. flushed yesterday with epsom salts 2Tbls in 1 gallon> Mh lights too close (400) moved. P,K,N,ph all okay. Cannot get salt monitor to work right. PH between 6.5-7. Perhaps overwatering or too much fert. Using fox farm Grow Big, all organic soil, water from well daily monitored for all above and ph of 6.5-6.7> afraid to flush again but plants are healthy yet yellow. Bottom leaves are yellowing some but all vegies do the same thing so not so worried about that. MH was about 8 inches above plants. Should I change to HPS? Some have darkening around the veins. Have fan and have set up CO2 system...no fan on the ballister altho I have one. No fresh air intake right now..in a closet. Any advice is welcome...newbie