What's wrog with my plant? Pls help

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by GeniousProdigy420IQ, Jan 5, 2023.

  1. Medium used, nutrients used. Size pots, How much water used how often.

    Cant tell from pics alone. Many various factors can cause the same issues. From pic I can tell next grow add more perlite to medium mix. Around 30% perlite per medium. Adds aeration letting roots breath and stretch out easier also helps water run off helping to prevent over watering. As over watering is watering too often not allowing medium at root level enough time to dry making roots waterlogged
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  2. Thanks for the reply!
    Medium is soil for seedlings, I haven't used any nutrients yet, I water when the soil dries, about twice a week.
    I topped the plants 2 days ago.
    Do you think I should start using nutes? I have flora micro and flora bloom from ghe.
  3. Thanks for the reply!
    Medium is soil for seedlings, I haven't used any nutrients yet, I water when the soil dries, about twice a week.
    I topped the plants 2 days ago.
    Do you think I should start using nutes? I have flora micro and flora bloom from ghe.
  4. No try posting a decent photo so we are not guessing

    If your growing potting soil ,,, it has little to no soil in it Organic matter stuff that lived at one time decomposes into nutrients .......
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  5. #7 GroBuddy, Jan 5, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2023
    Best to get a medium reading of ph and of ppms that'll let you know if you need to feed or not and if ph Is correct for nutrient uptake. Hopefully you're going off pots weight to know soil is dry. How hot is it in the tent at canopy level.

    As mentioned pics under normal light helps. Color looks distorted to us under purple.
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  6. if its in seedling mix it is time to start feeding and tell us about your day/night temps please.

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