Whats up fam? Smoking Gentleman is now on Grasscity + Giant dab video

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by The Smoking Gentleman, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. yo what up Grasscity? it's The Smoking Gentleman here coming to you live and direct. I used to be a member at grass city a very long time ago like back in 2007 or so... But I've since signed up again so i can share all of the awesome pictures and video that i've been taking of the local cannabis industry aswell as stay posted on all the latest stuff going on in other parts of the world. I've found that forums are one of the most personal and in depth ways to connect with people and learn info. Especially pertaining to growing or making concentrates.

    I know you don't want to read my life story so i'll keep it short. Here is a video of my friend taking the "DAB-BURRITO CHALLENGE" #DABURRITO. The first part of the vid was filmed by my friend and the focus is definitely sub-par so if you want to just see the dab skip to 2:30 (Thats when I start filming)

    I hope you guys enjoy the weed / dab videos that i've included in this thread for you! stay #milkyasf! <3GRASSCITY!


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