whats the most expensive thing you own?

Discussion in 'General' started by GucciSOICEY, Dec 11, 2010.

  1. what is it and how much? mine is probably my xbox 360. i know thats pretty bad. whats urs?
  2. my desktop rig :)
    Followed by my bass.

    Though hopefully soon I can say a vehicle is the most expensive thing I own >.>"
  3. My Tacoma, then my dirtbike, then my PC.
  4. My computer sits in around $1600.
    My car counting the money I put into it is around $2000

    My car is probably worth the most of anything I currently own.
  5. My Fender Stratocaster and Traynor amp. I think. Hmm... yeah. Or my life, if that counts.
  6. My tits.
  7. Eh, the truck for sure. Followed by my Strat, then the Guild acoustic, then the laptop.
  8. My house. Although technically the bank still owns that.

    I guess it would be my car, which I just made the last payment on, so I own it outright now! I made about $40,000 worth of payments on it, even though it's now only worth a small fraction of that. It sucks, but that's how it goes...:mad:
  9. Probably my Prada and Louis Vuitton bags (didn't buy, they were gifts). I know they are easily $1k+.....crazy expensive..but again..they were a gift from someone with way more money than me :laughing:

    Besides that, my soul :D
  10. Technically my motorcycle cuz I didn't know that my parents actually used my goddamn money to buy it for me. I didn't even know I had 2250 to spend then BOOM gone. Oh well.

    I love having a bike tho, it's so fun to ride to class baked.
  11. if you count many things attached to one thing.

    My jeep

    my snowboard and bindings and boots

    then my laptop.

    then my season pass haha
  12. my 1200 honda... my 350 dollar skimboard...

    when i paintballed alot, i was sponsored by MacDev so i had $1000+ gun that i got for like 600.. but i sold it
  13. Probably my guitar.
  14. My drums.
  15. 2007 corvette
  16. my laptop(~$1000) then my guitar($650)
  17. Collectively I've spent way too much on recording equipment over the years, individually... my girlfriend?
  18. My car... About $20 000

    Laptop.. Cellphone...?

    I don't really have expensive shit lol
  19. My car. its a 99 protege and it cost about 2500 to buy and its had about 1500 worth of repairs.

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