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What's the issue?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by NewbieGrowerBuck, Aug 25, 2019.

  1. Is this some kind of defficiency

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    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Pest control deficiency.
    Definitely looks like something's been physically eating/attacking it to me.
    Have you checked the underside of your leaves?
    How are the other non-weed plants in the same area looking like?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. these are all my plants in that area. I know some of my plants have to be transplanted but I started them very late. I kinda over did it with the homemade fish emulsion

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  4. I'd be having a look around for some small green caterpillars if I were you.
    Just my take.
    Could be any number of things.
    Are you able to source some ladybugs?
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  5. I might be able to but i i noticed there are crickets eating chunks of the leaves at a time
  6. Well yeah they'll do that too. Big ol' chompers on 'em
  7. i also heard that things from the plants environment attacking it make it tougher and yield higher thc as a defense mechanism. How true is that?
  8. They look decent. I agree with CheebaWeeba, looks like a grasshopper or a caterpillar found your plant pretty tasty.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. I have also heard that environmental stresses can make the plant more resistant which then sets it up to produce a bountiful yield. I've also heard that hermie plants can create more thc due to the stress.
  10. I had similar damage... Found several inch worms, and some other caterpillars on the plants from time to time, with holes now and then in my leaves.

    Went with some Neem oil, applying weekly for a few weeks before flower and it definitely made a difference.

    I am a noob and was terrified to see those leaves chewed up but if you can't see the bugs on it to kill em(mites or aphids, etc) I didn't want to use any insecticides and decided to ty to stick to preventative maintenance and Neem is a great option at least in Veg.
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  11. Grass hoppers or crickets aren't a worry, I've had some massive fuckers over an inch long hanging out by my plants, they might snack on some, but they won't do damage. Inch worms or caterpillars can ruin whole plants though. Keep an eye out for any signs of them, black droppings, white eggs, check everywhere.
  12. That and you can easily eat the crickets.
  13. are you suggesting munch on the crickets I find on my plants
  14. I've eaten grass hopper before. It's not bad, crunchy campfire snack.
  15. I'll give one a try next time im there
  16. #16 CheebaWeeba, Aug 28, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2019
    Yes. Yes I am.
    Remove the head with a simple twisting motion. Slice the body in half lengthways. Put some salt, chilli powder and lime/lemon juice on the body. Allow to dry in the sun *and* cook it at a very low temperature. They are fine to eat, they won't poison you.
    They are unremarkable in taste, perhaps a little nut-ish, and generally a little like what they've been eating.

    ...Leave the torn off heads scattered around the plants. Might send a message.
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  17. You must cook, they can carry parasites raw. I find they had a bit of a crunchy stem texture, tasted a bit grassy with some burnt potato chip.
  18. Way of the future, right?
    As long as they're not burnt like a bunch of the commercial ones do...they taste fine.

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