whats the dumbest shit you've ever talked about when you were fried

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by tn420, Dec 8, 2008.

  1. mine was this one time me and a couple of my friends were hangin out (we just got done smoking about a 50 bag) and everything was really quite.so i just bust out and was like dude,if you had a spirit anaimal it would be a badger. so me and my friends had about a two hour long conversation about our spirit animals.it was a pretty damn interesting conversation.

    i was just wondering what was the stupidest shit you guys have ever talked about wher you were baked
  2. hahaha dude the same exact thing happened to me!

    I was chilling with some of my bros and just finished smoking some dank stuff and i randomly told all my friends their spirit animals, judging by what they looked like.

    There was a camel, a gopher, a chipmunk, a parrot, and i was a polar bear haha:)
  3. yea man i told my friends one of them was a badger and one was a ostrich and i was a grizly bear haha it was some good times man
  4. One time a few weeks back a few of my buddies and I went to a all-you-can-eat chinese buffet and got into a heated argument about what cheese is the tastiest and what different kinds of cheese are made of... I have never laughed so much in 30 minutes in my life :smoke:
  5. Me and a buddy argue every day why they call it a dime instead of a ten dollar....i dunno lol :smoke:
  6. The last time i got reeeely high

    me and my two friends were just sitting around trying to whistle and hum at the same time

    from an outside perspective we probably just looked like a group of retards

  7. I don't know if I'm the only one that does this but I get out of my body and look at what I'm presently doing(like 3rd person myself), Marijuana taught me how to do this.:cool:
  8. Dude!!! Ive done the 'spirit animal' thing also man!!!... yo ones a polar bear, ones a bird...uh... fuck i kind of forgot the rest of them.. oh yeah im a panda though..
  9. Wow.
    I guess I'm the only one that's never heard of this "spirit animal" talk.
    The dumbest shit I've ever talked about high is probably back flipping off a two story house into a big bush.
    Then following through.

  10. Yeah man, it happens to me too.
  11. About spirit animals...I was a jaguar/cat (meow), my friends were a spidermonkey, dog, gopher, snake.

    About dumb things... I was at my friend's college, someone told us that they went to UCV (another college) or something like that, we spent the longest time trying to figure out what those 3 letters stood for. In the end we decided on "Urethra, Cunt, Vesticle"
  12. ive got a pretty good one its like a conversation though. a little background info-me and two friends just got done smoking a few bowls of this trainwreck i picked up the day before.

    me:dude today in history, mrs scott fliped shit on me because i was doing my work like she said
    ryan:dude i hate her, i just wanna like you know...punch her in the face and piss on her and shit
    me:*laughing uncontrollably*
    patrick:dude i know what your sayin
    ryan:but like if shes dead then id go dig her up and slap her a few times...then....
    ryan:then id ejaculate in her mouth...
    me and patrick: dude wtf is wrong with you?
    ryan:dude its okay though, because shes dead

    it was so funny. good times.
    thank you, mary jane.
  13. "Does that look like a seagull eating a dead baby out of a dumpster?"
    "No... yes... yes it does"
    "It really, really does"
    "Someone should go check"
    "I'm not doing it"
    "Me neither"
    "That totally looked like an arm right there"
    "Yup, that was an arm"
    "I think it was wearing clothes"
    "I think you're right"
    (other friends pull up)
    "Hey, will you go see if that seagull is eating a dead baby out of that dumpster?"

    "It's a chicken."
  14. aww man...me and my cousin just smoked a bowl the other night and i asked him what if we didnt smoke weed. streched that one into a five minute conversation between bowls
  15. Spirit animals huh? Pretty funny thank god for weed.
  16. Once when I was on acid and hiking down from a mountain at night I saw the ranger station thing with its light on to draw hikers to right place and we were talking about if we were all really small fish just attracted to the light of that one deep sea fish and if the ranger station would eat us.
  17. lol. i think the stupidest thing i can remember was me and my friends talking about why we shouldn't pay for the train and instead we should just walk along the tracks. i was like fuck no. and then we started going on to stuff about why the words i was using were too big. lol. i make no sense.
  18. #18 Deleted member 133001, Dec 8, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2008
    Me: "'D you ever think like, how life would be without, like, weed?"
    Friend "Fuck you."

    1: "What happens when you inject testosterone in a dog?"
    2: "I don't know. His balls 'll grow probably"
    1: "But like, what happens if you inject the opposite of testosterone..."
    2: "Estrogen"
    1: "Right. What happens when you inject that into a castrated dog?"
    2: "It'll probably grow bitch tits. Remember Fight Club? Fight Club was awesome"
    1: "A castrated dog growing bitch tits. I'd like to see that."

    One of my friends was tripping on acid once, we were walking on the street at night, suddenly he just stopped dead in his tracks, turned to me and said:


    Good times.
  19. me adn my buddy burned a fat joint right before school. we got pretty baked and we had english together first period. we go in and sit off to the side were supposed to be writing an essay so the room is kinda quiet and we somehow get into a conversation about cannibalism. then we start talking about if wew ere gonna eat someone how it would go. we get all the details down. male or female, what race, what part of the body, how we would cook it, and all that shit. the convo went on for a good 5 mins until teh teacher walked over and says "if you guys are done talking about eating peopel can you get going on your essay?" like half the class was staring at us. i guess we were talking a little louder than we thought, but it was mad funny.

    In case anyone was wondering we decided we would fry the calf of a white chick.
  20. ok idk why but when i smoke weed, everybody looks like they resemble an animal to me. So me and my boy john just get finished with a blunt and we sit on a bench.

    me: dude...
    john: yea?
    me: you look like a fuckin shark...
    john: *punches me in the chin*(not hard, but hard enough for me to cock my head back)
    me: ....
    john: bitch.

    lmao. no lie

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