whats the diff. between male and female plants

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by kbubb91, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. i know nothing when it comes to marijuana plants. as far as i knew plants were asexual there wasnt a male and a female. however you have to have a female if you want thc. so how do i know if i got a female or not
  2. No living thing by design is asexual or it wouldn't reproduce. Most plants are both sexes, MJ is relatively unique and is like mammals in that a plant is either male or female.

    Females produce bud you can smoke, males don't. Males are only good for pollinating females to make seeds, which you may want for future plantings but not for smokable bud.

    This is uber-basic stuff that is covered in the sticky threads. Every forum on any possible subject on the internet uses sticky threads, please read up there before asking questions that you can pretty much figure are going to come pre-answered in the stickies.

  3. Females grow white pistils and your males will have like round balls.
  4. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWE-Gy-tbxI]YouTube - ‪Difference between male and female marijuana plant‬‏[/ame]
  5. ditto to nature not making asexual plants. That doesn't make sense....

    Males are often, but not always, tall with stout stems , sporadic branching and few leaves. Males are usually harvested except those used for breeding, after their sex has been determined, but before the pollen is shed. When harvesting, especially if close to females, cut the Marijuana plant off at the base, taking care to shake the male as little as possible. This helps prevent any accidental pollination by an unnoticed, open male flower.

    When a male enters the stage of flower development, the tips of the branches where a bud would develop will start to grow what looks like a little bud (little balls) but it will have no white hairs coming out of it. Females will have no balls and will have small white hairs. » Read More about Male marijuana plants

    Cannabis in temperate climates begin to show his sexual identity by the end of July (end of January in the southern hemisphere) in different dates according to the varieties, Marijuana being the resinous flower of female cannabis plants intended for seed production, in absence of pollen buds turns out pure sensimilla weed and is gentle and sweet to smoke.

    It is very important to get rid of male plants on time, as they are unwanted pollen carriers. By the early flowering stage male cannabis, if compared to female's, shows quite a different structure but the characteristic excrescencies would be the sex indicator this are called primordia and will emerge by the side of the third or fourth internodes in the main stem.

    Female cannabis are completely revealed when the characteristic "V" shaped pistils become visible, all this to a close observation. Outdoors males will uncover themselvesapproximately three weeks before the females, indoors sexing of both males and females happens within a week to ten days according to the variety.

    We've heard of urban legends about environmental conditions, age of seeds, added chemicals and even lunar stages having an influence on sexual differentiation of Cannabis; you might take note of those suggestions as personal communications, but a good handbook or an internet surf works the best if you lack in experience when sexing.
  6. Just to clafify, males do have some TCH but not as much as females and they don't grow buds. They only TCH in the male plant is in the leaves and stems (maybe a little in the roots but I would never bother). If you do end up with only male plants, you could still grow it/them and make hash or butter out of the leaves. But females are what we shoot for.
  7. ^THC, not TCH.

    True that males can have some THC, but I've never found attempting to make hash from males to be worth the effort, just not enough there.
  8. True, if you have any tolerance built up, it won't be worth it. Only worth it if you're desperate.

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