What's the CRAZIEST experience of your life?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by YEM, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. I've been going around in my life asking all the people closest to me this question for entertainment and for a view of their realities. I've heard tons of stories now and would like to share some of them in time, and get a taste of Grasscities experiences as well.

    I had a series of lucid dreams one time, that kind of series where you keep waking up in your bed but you're still dreaming. The first one went along the lines of me waking up and a non-human like entity running up the stairs in my house and yelling, "everyone is gone, they're all gone." I tried to sympathize with the poor fellow, but then I woke up in my bed. I got up and all of a sudden this overwhelming feeling of having died arose and there I stood, 100% aware and conscious, so convinced that I had died and what I was experiencing was the aftermath of suchness. In that space, I came to grips that I no longer had the opportunity to spend time with those closest to me, and that all I had ever known was truly and forever gone. I woke up in my bed again, in my dream, and still the deep feeling was settling over me but i began to realize it was just a dream. I walked over to another room in my home and saw my body floating there 5 feet above my bed. I tried jumping through my window but got stuck in time and shrunk to a decimal size. I woke up in my bed again, and all of a sudden my whole house began shaking. I tried running out of my room, but everything was falling over and I was convinced that the world was going to end. I ended up making it to my mother's room and weeping on the ground with her when I woke up in another room with my parent's sitting in chairs by a fireplace. Two dogs attacked me and tried to rip off my face, but then alas I actually woke in my real bed.

    Another was that my friends from high school as a part of club tradition tried to kidnap me from my home. I woke up extremely alert at 3 am with five kids in masks hovering over me in my bed, and they proceeded to zip-tie my limbs together. I broke out of the zip-ties rather quickly and began to squirm for my life. I had soon realized that they were just my friends, but they were still acting seriously. I somehow managed to be released from the confines of their muscles and began wrestling them with full-adrenaline pumping. I put a few of them in deadly headlocks and in due time they all gave up. They then asked me to join them and I proceeded to denying the request and going back to bed.


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