It was an article posted a while ago on Totse. There was this seemingly unrelated to anything OTC pill you can get at any drug store that happens to inhibit the breakdown of THC in your body or something. It was like an allergy medicine or something. Anyone remember it?
I know for a fact that the Non-Drowsy Dramamine Meclizine" I believe, definitly does increase the high feeling, but not recommended as you have to take the entire chapstick sized bottle (5-12 tiny pills?) Idk HERB only here so...
All OTC highs are cheap and nasty. I haven't recalled one time i've had a good time off of something OTC...
I know what it is its tagamet hb its used i think for acid reflux never tried it but i remember the thread on totse it also works with some other drugs too im gonna do a bit more research now that i remember ahaha
benadryl or dramamine if you just pop like 2 or 3 like 30 mins before you smoke it gets you higher but i dont mess around with that stuff its pretty much schitzophrenia in a pill something in there makes you alot higher
!!!!!! No I've found it: Tagamet HB, a heartburn medicine Here's like the only other forum besides totse who has a thread on it There was a thread on totse about it not an article. It was very long (like 200 pages) with many people giving good testimonials and my friend said it worked. There is so little on the internet about it interestingly. Whose getting some and trying out?