Hey Guys, I dont know about you but my pockets are always full, ive always got certain things i carry with me at me Wallet IPod Nano (in leather case) Ear Phones Mobile Phone Stash Tin Zig Zags (king size) and my knife What avout you guys, what do you carry with you at all times?
right now i have my.... wallet(Drivers license, $45, school id, fake id, atm card, and lucky fortune cookie fortune) cellphone Fire Dept Pager Leatherman lighter zig zags
my pockets regularly containe wallet-usually no money lol. or if there is it will be spent within a few mins cell phone keys papers weed thats all i need all day long lol
- Wallet - Cellphone - Keys - At least an eight - Lighter - Knife (not always) - Pill bag (ziplock of a few random things)
Lighter rolled-joint (usually always got one on me) papers (either 'Raw', 'Zig-zag', 'Tribal') wallet w/chain keys Used to carry a grinder. But i lost it. And fuck cellphones, i'll never have one. They're annoying. I keep my stash at home, don't carry.
To lazy to pic.... Wallet (Made of hemp, kind of made for stoner's, it has a secret compartment where I hide shit) Phone Keys Naphcon-A Eye Drops for red eyes and allergies Pencil (for writing shit down)
No pockets atm, Im not dressed yet. But ussually: grass, no more than a 1/4 lighter wallet cash pipe psp for music and videos
Money Clip Motorola e398 (Modded to be a mix between a Razr, Rokr, and a Slvr [software wise]) Dorm Room Keys Volkswagen Switchblade Key (Keys to my '03 Turbo New Beetle) Visine Advance Relief (I wonder why...) A few reciepts from various stores and Sometimes a pack of Zig Zags... -Antwan L.
right now: wallet (no money...) ipod cell phone 2 lighters a few pens altoids tin with about 1/8th in it a nick i got today my chillum a couple carmex tins cough drops 20 adderal 30's and some mints... damn, thats a lot of stuff...
Wallet- $23 dollars, Driver ID, School ID, ATM Card, Picture of my Girl Ipod Nano w/ earphones Mechanical Pencil Keys Quarter of Dank (double wrapped cuz its so stinky) Spoon
Wallet, Cellphone, Switchblade in right upper pants pocket, Flip knife in upper left pocket, my CCG spoon, bud, Marb lights, Car Keys, Gum ...Yeah, that's it. -AFD