What's happening at the =

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by 420friendlyguy, Jan 21, 2012.

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  1. I'm taking differential equations and my teacher is a doctorate in physics.

    She says this the other night...

    We understand what happens on one side of an equation and we verify that result on the other side of the equation...

    What we don't understand is what happens at the equal sign...

    So tell me this...we know 2 + 2 = 4

    Can anyone tell me why other then because???

    Lot's of opinions about that equal sign...what's yours?
  2. I think I'm gonna need to be pointed in the right direction as to what the real problem here is. Otherwise I will just say that we observe reality and assign labels to the phenomena of bringing 2 objects together with another 2 objects and it creates a group of 4 objects.

    I don't know what else to say. :confused:
  3. My point is we got nothin but opinions when it comes to that = my man.
  4. In what way?
  5. are you on crack my friend it is just an equal sign to show that the left side is equal to the right side, its not math, its number language like < and > ya dig
  6. wow...did you miss the point.
  7. no i didnt im explaining that the equal sign is not an opinion it cannot be an opinion

    it is a fact and it is proving a fact, its just language

    1 hydrogen molecule = 1 hydrogen molecule

    the left and right sides can be altered provided the match the definition of the equal sign

    it cannot be an opinion as it is clearly defined

  8. Again...you MISSED the point completely...you are CORRECT...1 hydrogen molecule = 1 hydrogen molecule. What you CANNOT explain is what is happening at the = . Why do the protons, neutrons and electrons and whatever makes them up come together to form a hydrogen molecule that equals another hydrogen molecule EVERYTIME?

    You got an opinion?
  9. its just language, by your logic you are basically asking why the letter A is the letter A lol
  10. We can't explain it, because it's not a process. It's simply a statement of equity.
  11. No I am not...
  12. why do monkeys like bananas...tis the real question
  13. One apple will always be one apple. Put them together and you have a group of two apples.


    God this argument sounds so familiar to this...other argument that happens to be taking place right now. :laughing:
  14. You know you are right. Intuitively, I know this...throw 2 apples into the air and I'll get two apples...

    Take this to a deeper level..you CANNOT explain WHAT is happening at that =...y = mx + b every time to the point where we can define m as the "slope" of a line...it still doesn't explain what is happening at the =...something happens and transforms one into the other.
  15. [​IMG]

    Sorry...I couldn't resist.:smoke:

    I'm gonna think about this overnight because I don't know if what you're trying to convey is something that actually requires a deeper level of thought...or if this is just some kind of misconception.

    Okay I'm outta here.
  16. What is the mystery? Equivalence? Are you asking why things are equal?

    The = is a symbol that can translate into language ("equals"), much like how + can be referred to as "sum." Do you also ask what is happening at the +?

    This question is overly vague.
  17. It's called an AXIOM. It's like how a + b = b + a, 2+2=4. And the best anyone can do with an axiom is just is... :p like how you said because!
  18. #18 Rerun, Jan 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2012

    Mathematics is wayyyyy to crude of a device to try and define what you're trying to define.

    to add to my reply;

    what happens at the =, is the sum UP of the sum itself.
    its the neck of the creature so to speak.

    ll + ll = llll

    meaning the = brings the numbers that are connected to eachother through being in the same calculation sum, namely + in this case.

    its like asking a normal question, it's a selection of predetermined concepts, being purpousfully placed together to match or equal a specifically enquired answer.

    like two human beings get together, thats the two numbers, they have sex thats the +, and those two things namely 1 human being plus 1 human being having sex, equals a baby which is the answer.

    so the =, just means the unity that comes from the sum...

    Dont know what else to tell you good sir.
  19. lol you're trying to look too deep, unless everyone is completely misunderstanding you in which case you need to phrase your question more precisely
  20. The mystery for me is how. We have developed an entire language of math and science the describes phenomena we observe in the universe and can even predict outcomes.

    What no one truly understands is what happens at the equal sign. On one side you have an equation somebody made up and on the other side you have experimental results you can use to validate your equations. What no one seems to be able to explain is the why. What happens at the equal sign that makes one side go to the other? Is it God? Is it ether?

    The whole concept of a force is pretty amazing. Newtons 2nd law state F = ma.

    This equation is made up by the mind of man and explains ALOT about physics and the universe. We have used this simple equation in the development of nuclear technology, space, sports, I mean this equation works everywhere in the universe.

    What happens at the = sign that turns mass and acceleration into force so predictably and accurately? You think stuff just "happens"?
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