Whats better foil or flat white paint?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by THE McC, Feb 5, 2008.

  1. for the inside of a grow box. And is matt white the same as a primer white? Thanks im new to this site and growing. :smoking:
  2. Flat bright white paint is better. You want the ugliest, brightest white possible, so primer would be good or anything with a lot of titanium in it.

    Mylar is even better than white paint, aluminum foil is not as good as either of these.
  3. aluminum foil is very deflective and distorts light ,white reflects. Black absorbs
  4. thanks man that helps alot. im trying to grow a single plant inside a wood drawer thats like 2 feet high and not even a foot thick. just sumpin to toke on. im sick of buying it, and even more sick of driving to camden for it.
  5. I hear you. Camden is no fun to visit. :p

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