What'd you do for your 21st bday party?

Discussion in 'General' started by Raizor, May 5, 2012.

  1. So what's up. I'm super fucked up. Been celebrating the ability to legally buy alcohol, and smokin on some good ass weed.....

    And I was just thinkin, "What'd all the guys at GC do for their 21st bday"

    So.... post
  2. can't talk about it.. :(
  3. i sat in jail (actauly a bootcamp)...worried if anyone found out it was my birthday i was going to be part of a little birthday celebration....and not the fun kind
  4. Cannot legally speak about such events...Can't really remember 21 anyway, hazy a bit.:cool:
  5. got really drunk, blacked out, ended up home, in my bed. it was a great night.
  6. im only 19 =/.
  7. Nothing. :) I was on 3rd shift at the time, and my birthday was a Wednesday or something. So I went out for breakfast in the morning. Then slept. Woke up, went to work.

    By the time I turned 21, I had already pretty much lost all interest in alcohol.
  8. Drank like 2 beers nothing special i really dont like drinking
  9. I turned 21 on the first.

    I got high,big whoop.

    Next day got drunk and puked.
  10. Brother took me to tj
  11. Got a good friend, willing to give up a friday night to be my sober chauffeur. Dropped some window pain, and started drinking at the first bar we found. Continued bar hopping for about 2 hours. At this point, it kind of gets cloudy... I remember being on the stage of some strip club, tied to a chair and blindfolded. Two girls taking "avantage" of my constrained body... I freeked out!!! Panic Attack!!! Broke the chair, ran of stage into the parking lot, ripping off all the constraint and hid behind a car. I remember talking to the cops for what I though was for ever, and them letting me go.
    In the end, remember get a sober chauffeur.
  12. Well my 21st is comming up on Monday :) just planing on getting high for the last time as i have to quit after smoking everyday for the past 3 years.
  13. When it happens you will know.

    Probably a lot of weed, and may see some things here or there, wont be sure though. ;)
  14. woke up at noon, went to the store bought beer, went home drank bought beer and played guitar, the next several months i had drank a lot...shit gets old after awhile and takes a toll on the body, enjoy the first couple of months until you grow out of it and it just becomes boring.
  15. Going to Vegas hopefully this year.
  16. #17 Shanx420, May 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2012
    Went to a bunch of different bars and that night I realized bars are lame as fuck. I go to a bar like once or twice a year now on special occasions, it's sooo dumb. There's no xbox at bars lol. Why pay $5 a beer when I could easily make a vodka drink at home and only cost me like 50 cents AND have a more enjoyable time because I can do whatever I want instead of having to stand around and act hard yet non-threatening. I hate wearing my public face, that's a buzzkill right there. And on top of all that, I have a shy bladder, can't pee in public, so every time I go to bars, I end up having like 2 Heinekens or something and 20 minutes later my bladder is about to explode and I got nowhere to go except outside to go find a dark empty alleyway or something lol.
  17. Idk but i can't wait for mine. Still gotta few more years though.. smh

  18. Yeah, because a dark empty alleyway is much less "terrifying" than a public restroom. Lol.
  19. #20 Shanx420, May 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2012
    As far as my bladder is concerned, it is lol. Best circumstances for me to pee involve no one knowing where I am, that's key lol. Because sometimes, when in public and I'm trying to pee in a spot that's hidden, like outside behind the bar, the thought that will always start the stream is something like, okay it would take like at least a half hour for anyone to find me, and then the stream starts lol.

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