What you tell your children

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by doghammer, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. I have 4 children. Do you say hey lets fire one up with them? Do you hide it? Do you let them know your views on MJ? I just tell them them I think alcohol has destroyed far more lives than MJ ever will. Do they know their parents smoke? Probably. One of our Daughters accuses us all the time of smoking. I just don't think I'll ever smoke one in front of them. What's your views?
  2. "Cannabis - Philosophy for Everyone: What Were We Just Talking About?" has a chapter about this topic and I highly recommend you to take a look at it:
  3. Well for my particular situation I personally wouldn't smoke weed around my daughter for now. She's almost 5 and her mother would absolutely love to have any reason to deny me unsupervised visitation.

    I have a best friend who smokes weed, drinks, cusses around his toddler all the time.

    IDK, they're your kids man, do what you will. If they are 18+ smoke em' out, tell em' to be responsible with it, smoke around em.
  4. I never smoked in front of my children but when they get to be teenager it's impossible to hide it if your a daily smoker. I made it very clear that I had zero tolerance for drug use . I Piss tested they can't hide it from you if you smoke . All I had to do was look at them and I could tell if they had been smoking and theye knew it . They both drove us crazy for a couple years but we never gave in, today they both have good jobs and are buying there own houses and don't smoke weed or use drugs

    Remember nobody starts out using herion
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  5. One is Grad school Speech Pathology. I think she smokes. One is a RN I know she doesn't smoke, but she probably would like to:). The other is a RN but in school for her Nurse Practitioners I know she doesn't and probably won't. I have one in HS I'm going to have to keep an eye on him!
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  6. My parents believed in a philosophy of smoking and talking about drugs my brothers and I once we already started to smoke and my dad found out. This way we always had somewhere safe to smoke and he taught us how to be really careful to not get caught. We were safer and more connected with our parents, made for an honest house

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  7. I have a 5 yr old and a 1 yr old. I only smoke once they're sleeping for the night. SOMETIMES on the weekends especially before a movie picked by the 5 yr old, I will go into the bathroom and "take my medicine." Which he thinks is a pill for headaches haha.

    Someday he will figure it out, and when that day comes we wI'll have a very serious conversation about it all.
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  8. I know a lot of parents that smoke with thier adult children. I also know a lot of parents that do not smoke around thier younger children at all.
  9. I love how you go take your medicine. I think I would be a better mother if I could smoke more often. Not be stoned out of my mind around them, but relaxed. I much more present when I've had a hit or two and not so anxious about the future.
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  10. I've smoked marijuana with my son he was already in his 20s I was in my early 40s it was no big deal he knew how I felt and had seen my pictures from high school he heard the stories from high school so it really was no big deal

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  11. What do you tell your children.? All of my children are adults and grown. But I wouldn't have to tell them anything it's all over websites that is being legalized in States. How do you tell your children not to do something that's being legalized. I guess you just don't say nothing. But when they visit me and I'm blazing I make sure I tell them remember you're working you can't do what I do. I always remind them that there's priorities in life. And then I tell them when they make it legal then you can do what you want until then you can't.( it's not worth the risk) and I make sure I remind them of the consequences. But when they were small I didn't smoke too much weed I was too busy working. If I would have smoked one joint a year it would be a lot. While I was working.
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  12. I quit smoking while my kid was at home. Now that he's grown and out of the house, I freely smoke whenever the urge hits me.
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  13. I've met a couple of dealers whose houses I have gone into to buy some weed. I walked inside to find them sitting down on their lounge with a bag of weed in front of them, a couple of bongs and some scales. Sitting right next to them was their son who looked only 10 or 11 years old.

    "What can I do for ya buddy?", they said to me.

    I really don't feel comfortable buying or smoking weed in front of a little kid. And if I were the parent, I'd feel as though I'm setting a bad example; it's monkey see monkey do with a kid so young.

    I feel similarly with my younger siblings, so I don't smoke weed in front of them. If they so choose to smoke weed, I wont stop them, but I would prefer it be their own conscious choice rather than just copying their older brother. My youngest brother is 16 now so I think he is older enough and mature enough to choose for himself.
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  14. I don't smoke in front of my daughter, and haven't discussed weed with her at all yet. She's only five. My thirteen year old brother lives with me, and I've been relatively open about it with him. I used to hide everything like that from him, but I can't do that forever, and I don't like hiding shit from him anyhow. I'd rather just be honest with him. That said, I still usually sneak off outside or to the bathroom if I want a toke when I'm with him.
  15. You should explain to your children that if they drink alcohol they have a very high chance of dying whilst intoxicated for example: alcohol poisoning, choking on vomit, drink driving, fighting. Also long term illnesses such as liver cirrhosis, kidney disease, heart disease etc etc etc. But if they take MJ especially if it's cooked In a food or vaped then nothing can possibly go wrong, they will grow up with a broader spectrum of thought and a better outlook on life, and will be generally kinder, nicer people :)

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  16. I wouldn't introduce them to bud until they are about 15 or so

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  17. Well he's still young right now, I don't do it in front of him but occasionally he'll walk in on me. I just tell him to go back inside and play or whatever he was doing or that I'm just taking my medicine and he needs to go back inside. I'm more worried for when he's talking much more and who he could possibly tell. He doesn't know it's weed at all, I've never exposed him to it like that.

    When he's older I know I'll have to tell him eventually.

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