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What would you do

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TheJSmoker420, Aug 3, 2011.

  1. i'd lock myself in my room and just set fire to an entire pound... a la crazy
  2. quit life
    smoke weed
  3. I'd probably sell it all except for a couple of grams of my fave strains. I'd give the papes and chillum away to my friends or my cousins in the hood who actually use that shit. I'd use the resulting money to pay my tuition and live comfortably for the rest of my life, using a portion to buy some weed when I needed it.
  4. for a klondike bar!

  5. LOL. College isn't what it used to be.
  6. God! a dealer!.... I would convert to islam immediatly!...........
  7. I would do nothing, but smoke like a champ

  8. Even though that is some of the lamest shit I've ever heard; keep doing you broo! But me, well I'd stay high till I die of that sticky icky!
  9. First I would figure out a way to hide the stank 500 lb's of weed would create. Then i'd smoke as much as i could, as fast as i could. Invite over two of my best friends and tell them to buy two thirty packs of coors light. Tell them to come on over. Smoke + drink= success. When I woke up the next morning, i'd go from there with what to do with it all.
  10. I'd roll fat ass blunts, hook up all my niggs, make a weed coat, weed pimp hat, and weed cane. Then I'd smoke till I was naked and do it all over again. And brownies... Lots of brownies...
  11. Holy Hell I'd become a great cook with as much cooking as i would be doing
  12. I posted another reply, but I had another idea.

    I would make BHO out of all of it.

    That would be enough BHO to fill a small mason jar, I would imagine. That would be great, just having that much to do whatever with.
  13. [quote name='"apopcan"']Sell half so I would have the funds to go wherever I wanted with all the pot I needed.[/quote]

    Sounds like a good plan, just a tip tho any discussion of being a dealer Isn't allowed, so b sure to keep talk like that in check or mods will get mad. U shuld b fine now tho since its a theoretical scenario :D

    As for op I'd pack every piece and roll one of every kind of j/ blunt, and then smokesmokesmokesmokesmokesmoke
  14. Sell 300 pounds, give away 50 pounds, keep the rest.

    With the money... I would probably invest it and make even more... I don't need to live like the riches to enjoy life ;)
  15. Keep 10 pounds or so, that will be enough to last me for at least 5 years. Sell the rest, use some to pay for my tuition and living costs; then invest what I have left. When the investment produces a decent return, take some of it, buy a house, set up a nice grow, and be set for weed for life. Keep playing the markets, get rich, smoke blunts rolled from Cubans and drink cognac all day in my mansion. I wouldn't be a boring Bill Gates rich guy, I'd do it Tony Stark style. I'd donate a lot to universities and private research facilities and leave a legacy as a patron of science.
  16. If my dealer was God. And he gave me 500lbs for free....

    I'd ask what I could get for a dub.
  17. I would cum in my pants!

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