What would happen if I planted now?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by CrossGore, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. I live in southetn texas so I have warm weather year round, the lowest it gets is 50 F.... What eould happen if I planted sone photosensitive plants, if its worthless, I will just go with some autos!

  2. photo plants will go strait to flower after they sprout due to light conditions thus affecting yield.

    planting autos now would produce a lesser yield as they are not going to get the light they need due to shorter days.

    your best bet is either
    1. do it indoors
    2. wait til next season
  3. I would strongly recommend that you grow indoors. Even though you have lovely weather, you need to remember that safety and security are issues and that you can't count on the weather to be perfect all the time.

    You CAN count on your weather being controllable if you manage the weather yourself.

    Seriously, grow indoors. It's really better for yoru plants and it will make sure that you learn all of the tricks about growing. Eventually, you can take those tricks outdoors.
  4. grow some auto's with a long flowering period at least 10 weeks the more the better and it'll work out fine .. i grow in ireland my plants get maybe 8hours of light most of thats overcast with heavy clouds and i still got 4 ounces which is pretty good for ireland so im sure you'll get alot more

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