What would happen if i got caught...

Discussion in 'General' started by Sceaspit11, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. With 2-4 ounces of dank, a scale, baggies, and about 8 bowls and bongs?
  2. #2 skeetskeeter, Feb 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2013
    :wave: Depends on the laws in your state. I hope your not driving around with all that....
  3. well...it be a real shitty day for ya
  4. Obviously whoever caught you would be a new customer.
  5. #5 tokinwax, Feb 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2013
    Depends on what state but pretty much if you got caught with that, you're looking at probably 1-2 years prison maybe even more BUT I'm not sure I'm just guessing, good luck OP if you plan on driving with all that, peace :smoking:

    EDIT: I forgot to add, leave the scale and baggies behind because if for some reason you do get caught, they will add charges for intent to sale, basically you get in a shit ton more trouble.
  6. you would get locked up. pretty sure.
  7. In a car I know, scale and baggies is considered intent to sell anywhere I know which is a felony, 2-4 oz is usually the worst misdemeanor or low felony for possession, and then you would have a few paraphernalia possessions which would also likely be sale.
    I'd say 4-10 years prison and years probation.
    If you want to know exactly State Info
  8. Possession with intent. Definite jail time. Unless u give the judge a blowjob
  9. If you have to ask .... dont do it
  10. [​IMG]

    shit sucks bro dont get caught up

    this seems like a fake thread though honestly

    what you carrying all that for?
  11. Play it safe, let me take that off your hands...

  12. Not even. It really depends if you have a good lawyer and what state you are in. My friends dad got caught moving 24 pounds of dro by vehicle and has 12 months in federal prison. I am sure op would be able to get away with no jail time with a good lawyer. That is if its a fairly liberal state.

    My friend has a green card and sells, a police caught him with a full qp, baggies of weighed out bud, a scale, and even money. My friend showed the officer all his medical paper work and officers couldn't prove that he was actually dealing, although it was obvious and they knew what he was up to. Legally they wouldn't stand a chance so they just let him go.
  13. Intent to distribute.

    Idk what state you live in and what the laws are.
  14. I'd say that you would get fucked by the 15" dick of the law. That doesn't sound too fun does it...
  15. I'm locked uppp, won't let me out. Nooo, won't let me out.
  16. you'd be due for a good anal raping

    edit: multiple anal rapings

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