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What would cause this?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by 617junglist, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. image-2541827973.jpg
    One of my plants has done this on every fan leaf. Never seen it before and kinda stumped. Otherwise she looks great
  2. #2 wazoo42o, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2012
    Looks thirsty to me
    But you have nothing to worry about
  3. can you plz take a pic from another angle? that looks awesome ^^
    Im sure its a random mutation and not a result of a grower mistake... ^that guy doesnt know what hes talking about, it looks completely healthy.
  4. #4 wazoo42o, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2012
    Edit: lol oh i see what he was asking about, was it a clone? Or from seed.
  5. Looks preaty normal to me but of u really wanna get picky it might be heat stress or it needs water or it might need more air circulation. Preatty common and nothing bad @ all.
    Looks good!
  6. image-1510234980.jpg
    Here's two more pix. Like I said she looks healthy and not really worried just more stumped than anything

  7. its heat, looks like one day your plants got too hot. thats why they look a little wilted and the edges are somewhat curled up.
  8. That'd cause the second two blades to hide behind the first?
  9. oh theyre just overlapping, I thought there was a blade growing underneath the middle one... :(
    dunno, it seems to be on all the leaves so it could indicate something... or maybe its just a very distinct charactersitic of this particular plant. either way its not a very serious issue.
  10. That's a beautiful plant and looks like she's in perfect health to me. Another reason some blades hide behind others is that they're very indica dominant and the blades get real fat. Your plant is perfect. Just keep the temps around seventy five you'll be fine. Great job if that's the worst issue your all set brother

  11. image-3692830769.jpg

    Group shot before they went into flower. Much bigger now

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