What whip and bag combo is best?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Highimbaked420, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. OK, so its time for a new vape and I most definitly want a whip and bag combo vaporizer. Now which one in that type is the best. As of now im thinking the extreme q!
  2. You're thinkin' right. The only way to beat the Q if you want both whips and bags is get a Volcano and a Silver Surfer/Da Buddha.
  3. Alright sounds good. My first choice would be a Volcano but I dont want to spend that much money so I guess my next would be the combo. Although I was seeming to find a bunch of good deals on used volcanos. Have you ever heard of anyone buying used vaporizers?
  4. Yeah I met a guy who bought his solo for $80 on Craigslist. Obviously as long as it all works no problem. Either way it'll 'age' eventually

  5. Sure have. You may want to go over to fuckcombustion.com and check out their classifieds.

    Regarding your first choice of a Volcano, I would ONLY do that if I was sure that I REALLY liked sucking on bags to get my vapor. There are pros and cons to that, but if you like bags, the 'Cano is hard to beat.
  6. Alright, I think im just going to go with the Extreme Q.

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