What volume of ABV would an ounce of weed produce?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by James Corcoran, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. Hi!
    I am about to buy a new jar to store my ABV in, and was thinking about how weed shrinks after you vaporizer it (partly due to being ground up, partly due to use).
    So, if for example I was to vape an ounce of bud (not ground) stored in a ounce container (big enough for an ounce of not ground bud), whats the smallest size container I would need to store the ABV?
    I was thinking maybe an 1/8th or 1/4 sized container?

  2. Honestly I just use those ziplock bags with the plastic slider thing
    Used to do that too! However my gf hates the smell of weed and ABV (how is that even possible? lol) and asked that I get some smell-proof jars to store the ABV in.  So I was trying to figure out what size jar to get.
    I'm a bit crazy about certain things, one of which is that I just hate buying more than I need (i.e. a larger container than i'll need, lol).
  4. AVB shrinks I would say by about 1/3rd of the original dry bud
    Awesome, thanks dude.  I'm at a [9] tho so could you clarify please? Does that mean that the ABV is 2/3rds its original, unvaped volume?  Or that the ABV is only 1/3rd of its original, unvaped volume?
    Just to clarify, pre-vaped is in bud form.
    ABV was ground up before being vaporized.
  6. With me using a dialed in Da Buddah, 50% less after use (in to the duff jar)
  7. My solo abv is about 2/3 of the original volume.

    It will change more if there is more moisture in the plant matter, (if you live in a humid area) and less if it's drier.

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