What up my fellow stoners?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by smokeitall97, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. What's cracka' lackin'? My name is Ethan although I have a bunch of nicknames. My primary one is Lil, derived from Lil Petesie(my dads name is Pete and I look just like him). I'm also called E or Eeks I personally don't care what you call me. Lol. My friends call me the philosophical stoner. Lol. I have a bad habit of calling people mang. My favorite movie is any of the Cheech and Chong movies. I'll smoke pretty much anyone up as long as your chill. See you guys on the forums. Peace! :D
  2. Welcome to the City.
    Why the 97 at the end of your user name? :smoke:
  3. Welcome good sir! :D I hope you enjoy your time at GrassCity!
  4. Welcome, keep tokin and strokin.

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