What trips you out?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by YEM, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. Trees trip me out, when I'm trippin', that is.
  2. didnt you say that already? (im so clever lol)
  3. LED number displays have always tripped me out.

    Starfish, too.
  4. Whenever people talk about death, makes me feel like I'm in limbo or something

    The other day my friend said to me "remember when you died?" and I was like "what'd you say?" and then he brought up how we were playing a video game earlier and how I had died lol
  5. Thinking about how minute and trivial our existence really is to the whole of the known universe and imagining that when I look up at the stars, there could be another form of life looking up at the sky and seeing earth.
  6. Trees and plants are so wise man.

    Also, bugs are probably the happiest creatures on earth.

  7. I once saw a dude who claimed to be Jesus... he looked and acted like Charlie Manson from the remake of Helter Skelter. It totally tripped me out.

  8. That there is a universe and not just nothing at all.
  9. Paradoxes and Music.

  10. Texturelisation.
    Well that's what I call it. Feeling the texture of objects. Random objects. Ordinary objects. Miscellaneous objects. Extra-terrestrial objects. You get lost in it.
  11. Probably the biggest trippy thing is that when I get really high, I see people's true nature and it really bugs me out.

    I see the struggles in their life, their fears, their pride, etc. I literally see all this stuff manifest on there person with some hallucinogens, with weed though I just "sense" them, I don't really "see" them.

    For instance, I can 'see' one of my friend's resentment towards his girlfriend and baby for ruining his chances of an easy life. I can see another's consuming jealousy because he's never had a privileged life and and always felt like he didn't belong with us. Unfortunately, I see negative shit far more often that positive.

    This phenomenon is part of the reason I don't like to get too fucked up around people I don't like, or that are always down about shit. Also why I never look people in the eyes when I tripping, especially myself. That shit's just waayyyy too intimate.

    Please note that I don't think I have any supernatural powers or anything though, I think it's just a side-effect of fucking with my brain chemistry.
  12. Humans do some very odd things.

    We make comments that aren't necessary...you could even argue some comments are delusional or crazy.

    A sports fan yelling at a tv? Strange.

    Also we make odd movements which are also unnecessary. I can't really think of a specific example, but like when people move around because they feel akward in a position. Even movement in generally is strange from an unconditioned vantage point.

    All in all, reality itself is just very peculiar. It's this unstable, holographic physical projection which creates all these odd sensations that we can detect once we move into a consciousness that is on a vibrational frequency beyond the physical. It's like you can see holes in physicality.

    State into a blue sky man. Observe nature. Marvel at the universe. See the stars. Study animals and their behavior. Communicate with plant life.

    It's all so fascinating.
  13. Technology trips me the fuck out. Starfish trip me out also, you cut a arm and it grows the arm and the arm that you cut grows into ANOTHER starfish WTF?!
  14. theories on quantum mechanix
  15. Thinking you got a girl pregnant..BOOM
  16. Knowing you got a girl pregnant. :hippie:
  17. salvia trips me out.

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