What to eat

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by NAAAAAHH, May 1, 2016.

  1. I recently started working out again, and would like to gain a little weight. I currently weigh 110-115 and would like to be around 120-125. What would be some good meals to prep that I should eat more often that also include protein, fatty acids, and things alike. I workout every other day and alternate between exercises (body, arms, legs) but do all in a day just one more than the other on some days. However I mostly do calisthenic
  2. are you going for a stronger, muscular build, or just trying to keep the toned, slim but sturdy look, but add a couple pounds to it?
  3. because i can help with either one, seeing as how i took about 4 classes in high school that dealt with nutrition and physical fitness
  4. Toned but sturdy look is what I'm going for. Not trying to go crazy gaining too much muscle
  5. Lean mince beef with onion and a bit of gravy with baked sweet potatoes is my go to post workout meal. Things as well like chicken and whole meal pasta. Snacks a mixture of pecan, Brazil nuts (selenium) and walnuts are good for protein as well as carbs.
    Bananas are your best pre workout snack low in calories but really good clean fast digesting carbs.

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  6. I have been trying to gain weight for years and it just doesnt happen. It didnt matter what i ate or drank nor how little or how much i moved/exercised.

    Theoretically, you'd want to ingest nutrient dense, high calorie foods.

    Nuts, seeds, healthy fats, avocado, eggs, cheese, low sugar chocolate, sour cream, heavy whipping cream, fish etc.

    Lose Your Fear and Free Your Soul or The Mysteries Of Life You'll Truly Never Know
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  7. Buy a mass gainer powder.

    Tastes like shit but it'll help
  8. Male/female? Height?
  9. Delicious AND calorie-free! Diet away!

    giphy (12).gif
  10. Those are primarily maltodextrin which is almost instantly converted to glucose and spikes the shit out of insulin and blood sugar. If one wants a load of carbohydrates i suggest ingesting complex carbs that are more slowly digested (along with fiber, so oatmeal would be decent).

    Edit. Or beans

    Lose Your Fear and Free Your Soul or The Mysteries Of Life You'll Truly Never Know
  11. Very true, which is why you have to buy a quality one. Definitely not cheap, especially worthwhile ones like bionic edge
  12. Ive never seen a good one ill check that out ty.

    Lose Your Fear and Free Your Soul or The Mysteries Of Life You'll Truly Never Know
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  13. 29g sugar, eeek!

    I found Scivation used to make a good mass gainer but no longer! Ugh. Any other suggestions?

    Lose Your Fear and Free Your Soul or The Mysteries Of Life You'll Truly Never Know
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  14. This looks good

    Rivalus Clean Gainer 5lbs

    Edit. Scratch that.

    Lose Your Fear and Free Your Soul or The Mysteries Of Life You'll Truly Never Know
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  15. There's good fat and bad fat. Respect your arteries. Don't do the powder crap or greasy shit.
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  16. Yea i dont do hydrogenated, partially hydrogenated or refined oils

    Lose Your Fear and Free Your Soul or The Mysteries Of Life You'll Truly Never Know
  17. It's hard finding good stuff out there for sure.

    Mainly my reason for not taking preworkout. I've instead started taking ginseng supplements for a more natural boost. I remember some pre came out as having certain unmentionables in them hahah
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  18. I just can't bring myself to spend a significant amount of money on tasteless protein powders. It only takes a little more money and time and I can just eat more real food, which is infinitely preferable to some kind of mass gainer slurry to me.

    But I also cook a lot more than the average single guy. :laughing:
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  19. giphy.gif
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  20. Well protein powder and mass gainer aren't really the same thing. Mass gainer is mostly carbs from what I have seen. Actual protein powder isn't really that expensive, or tasteless. I've been using muscle pharm's combat powder in the flavor cookies and cream :) Tastes absolutely amazing, almost like a dessert! After a morning workout, I mix it with 8 oz of cold brew coffee and it tastes so good, like something you'd get at starbucks!

    Mass gainer isn't really used that often, or by that many people. Mostly for people really needing to put on weight in a short period of time. I've personally never used one because I'm not trying to put on mass and girls in general aren't afforded as many calories per day as men. They look gross as hell too lol.

    Protein powder is actually a necessary supplementation for those trying to build muscle. Yes, you can go home and cook a meal full of protein, but that solid food will also take longer to digest. By drinking a shake right after your workout, it only takes 25 mins or so to hit your muscles. Ideally, I like to drink my shake within 20 minutes of finishing my workout.

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