Hey GC i'm on my first grow week 3 of flower today I'm using a 1.5x1.5x2.4 meter growing area just got my carbon filter in last week and decided to get a hygrometer to see just how close to the optimum my room was, as i haven't had any problems so far, ph tested was 5.8 and room temp was 28 yesterday has dropped down abit today as bedroom window has been open, now the humidity has swayed from 82% now staying at 66% ive got a fan in there and the filter is on constant, i cant really afford a dehumidifier any advice on how to get it down some
Borrowed a dehumidifier in the end but now my temp is up to 30, cant seem to find the happy medium any advice??
Thought humidity around 60 to 70 or so was ok? I've a box fan and a window fan in my grow room. The humidity here in Kansaaaas is fairly high during the spring, summer and fall months. So for no problems, or at least nothing I can attribute to the humidity. cheers
That kind of humidity is okay during vegetation. During flowering, however, you should keep humidity no higher than 50%. Higher humidity increases your chances for mold developing on the flowers. This especially applies to the drying/curing stages...need the humidity to be even lower then. Other than better ventilation and the dehumidifier, OP, I'm not sure what else you can do. Increase your exhaust and set your intake to blow over your plants...this will keep that humidity from settling around them, as well as the temp from getting too high. If your temp/hum guage are further from the plants, there's a chance there is some discrepency between that local and the plants local, too, like the numbers on top of your plant could be lower than the numbers at the corner of the box. Some plants, however, are rather resisitant to mold/high humidity, so sometimes you may not see any issues come from a "dangerously" high humidity. By the way, I can't tell from the pic...are you running a hydro or soil setup? If it's soil, 5.8Ph is much too low... just checkin'