my guess would be some one was posting porn.. just saying...isnt that what happens in every single thread like that...
The thread was deleted but you can still look at it. Just go to google, search "Hot/Corny Bitches Appreciation thread" and click on Cached.
theree was one already. search, what piece of ass would you give anything for edit: NVM guess that one is gone too. WTF
guys...its grasscity...not fapcity.... theres better places to get your fap on... google is ur friend...
not here to fap... been gettin my fap on before GC was even thought about but now i have nowhere to crack jokes about dumb hos
Guys i am back, sorry I was on vacation. I do realize that Hot/ Corny girls was deleted, and I am sorry, about that. I must say though It will not end so easily. If you guys are interested in more of what I do here , please by all means I will make a separate tumblr with endless scrolling for your satisfaction. Pm me if youre interested, enough votes will put Hot/ corny back up and running!!!
Any way mods can get it up and running, I do not remember posting up pornography. I would prefer it on GC, but you can view my tumblr without signing up , so....