what the fuck, seriously

Discussion in 'General' started by bigtee212, Jan 27, 2007.

  1. where the hell is the reply button on pms? i dont want to have to hit forward and copy the username.

    i mean shit

    where the hell is it


    this has made me mad for so long...
  2. just hit quote, then delete the quoted stuff if you don't need it.
  3. I've wondered this for quite a while. I have never found one. I've stared at the god damn screen forever looking for it. I just click on their name and hit " send a private message " and just type in the same Subject line. It sucks, I've always wondered why there isn't one. Good call.
  4. hahah.... your welcome

  5. ^Hes talkin about a PM.
  6. Yeah, bothers me too.. LOL I would just stare at the screen being that im at a cannabis forum high as shit thinking im just too high and then just continue to stare and become frusterated.

  7. haha oops, just realised that.

    to threadstarter: im from mn too :p

  8. that helps, but im still pretty mad

    and word up mn homie, where at?
  9. no shit. then you zone out, come back to it and there's no reply button so you think you're on the wrong page and go back and forthaslkfjd;dsf
  10. It's a big consipracy is what it is. They slowly, one by one, take functional buttons away from site. Eventually, we will be trapped here forever with no way to exit/'

  11. Dude. Yes. Exactly. we'll all be trapped in a marijuana forum for the rest of our lives. But that wouldn't be TOO bad.
  12. sounds like a bad 'you've reached the end of the internet' jokes punchline lol

    oh god wheres my back button? java...history back...noooooo!

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