what the fuck? need advice..

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by StraiT100, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. So my half brother(moms side), who I'm not really close with has an 19 year old daughter(my half neice??).
    Anyway I've always just labeled her my neice until what happened the other day.

    So my neice texts me out of the blue the other day. we never talk really other than holidays so it seemed kind of odd.
    She had smiley faces at the end of every message she sent me and basically asked to hang out and have some fun:)

    So the fuck? Is she like coming on to me or what?
    That whole side of the fam knows I smoke too, so could she perhaps just want some weed?
  2. i was confused by this thread until i saw your location.
  3. Very important question... is she hot?
  4. [quote name='"meatballz"']Very important question... is she hot?[/quote]

    She's got a nice ass and cute face and some decent mamaries..not like smoking hot tho no
  5. your not considering bangin your half niece are you?
  6. [quote name='"MarleySubs"']your not considering bangin your half niece are you?[/quote]

    No I'm wonderig if SHE is considering banging ME
  7. See my sig for the details I'll need to answer this question.

    But from the information given... she specifically asked to hang out and "have some fun?" What kind of girl texts something like that, knowing that it'll likely be given sexual connotations by the dude on the receiving end? Sounds like your cousin wants the D.
  8. She probably just wants to score some weed.

    Funny, you think she wants you... based on your posts, it seems you're HOPING she does. ;)
  9. pics?

    and we'll tell you if its worth it
  10. What's her number, dude?
  11. [quote name='"AR Toasty"']See my sig for the details I'll need to answer this question.

    But from the information given... she specifically asked to hang out and "have some fun?" What kind of girl texts something like that, knowing that it'll likely be given sexual connotations by the dude on the receiving end? Sounds like your cousin wants the D.[/quote]

    Yea I'm on ma phone so ill see your Sig later, but yea its just random because we hardly ever talk or anything and I don't have any pics...

    Even if she does want the d Idk if she can have it tho man that would be kind of awkward to say the least..
  12. Bumpity bump
  13. I know I'M hoping she does! :devious:
  14. Shes your fucking Niece bro, regardless if half brothers daughter or not, shes your blood.. why in the hell would you believe shes trying to come on to you?
  15. [quote name='"mikeKOOLiN"']Shes your fucking Niece bro, regardless if half brothers daughter or not, shes your blood.. why in the hell would you believe shes trying to come on to you?[/quote]

    Idk she always seemed like a freak and her sister is a hoe lol....just want to make sure I don't walk in to something I can't handle..
  16. Nahh dude please don't do it.. That's your bro daughter lol. Just think about it that way
  17. I know i don't plan on it, but i'm not gonna sell her weed either, because she will probalby expect to smoke for free, but i dont even smoke with my half bro for free...
    plus idk if half-bro would even be cool with her somking.
  18. He doesn't need to know what you be doin!
  19. [quote name='"Berzerker42500"']
    He doesn't need to know what you be doin![/quote]

    Well right but I'm really cool with her older brother, my nephew, he is cool and smokes and Idk how he would feel about me hookig up his sister with weed
  20. Yeah,but she's an adult and doesn't need him to be knowing her business and what she is copping off you.

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