What the Drug War has accomplished...

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by tv1208, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. Wichita student hospitalized after smoking something during lunch - kwch.com

    (WICHITA, Kan.) -
    The Wichita School District doesn't know what it was. Potpourri? Bath salts? Something else? Whatever it was, it sent one students to the hospital in serious condition.

    The district says the 18-year-old student was with a group that smoked the substance Thursday during lunch.

    A spokesperson says it was bought at a business across the street from Northwest High School.

    When the students came back to school, a teacher noticed one didn't look well. He was asked if he needed help. The district says he said no and then had a seizure.

    Isn't it great to see what happens when kids looking for a way of expression (or stupidity) turn to what the government allows? Don't worry, they know what's best for us.
  2. hahaha,well that kid is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier:laughing:
  3. What was it, K2?
  4. When you add the destructive effects of the WOD(some drugs)too this pressure on young people to try substitutes for marijuana in order to pass drug testing with how many families are destroyed by imprisonment of one or both parents,financial ruination of the family and sometimes other family members that aid the accused and the number of possible people that have suffered and been killed by cancers that may have never occurred if our government had not prohibited marijuana since 1937.

    Our society now stands a 1 in 3 chance of contracting cancer in some form in their lifetime and has been increasing steadily since the beginning of hemp prohibition.

    According to a nurse practitioner from India,the rate in their society is 1 in 10.

    While we banned hemp here,they have continued using hemp for medicine,food and recreation. They signed the treaties in the UN,just as other countries did but they do not enforce the hemp laws against their own people,only people caught trying to export it.

    History will give us the truth,though our government never will.

    The actions of the US government against it's own citizens are no less horrific than the
    holocaust,the witch hunts or the Spanish Inquisition.

    And your government has known of hemp's possible cancer curing/preventative abilities since 1974 when they shut down cancer research using organic marijuana by the University of Virginia. And numerous other,more recent studies,including ones done by NIDA have pointed out the possible cancer curing/prevention attributes of cannabis.

    No pharmaceutical company in the world has a possible cure for cancer,nor a possible cancer preventative medicine,,,all they have is "treatments".
  5. I was recently told smoking/snorting/whatever bath salts gives you a high like meth.

  6. It turned out to be Potpourri, which apparently is a new "legal high" that is sprayed and mixed with who knows what. It's probably just another form of K2.
  7. Lol fuck those legal highs they turn out worst then Illegal highs.

  8. Yet, those are the ones the government allows. We live in a strange world.
  9. #9 Fighter, Feb 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2011
    It isn't so much that the government allows these "products", but that they are sold as something they are not. K2 is sold as incense and mephedrone is sold as bath salts. The DEA is probably losing their mind over this shit since they can't do much about this situation, and that situation being people synthetically creating drugs and selling them as something they're not. There is also the issue of kids trying to get high on anything thats legal if it gives them a buzz, and that is a bigger issue in itself.

    Maybe if the government understood that people want to get high/drunk/buzzed we could work with this mentality instead of against it because god knows that isn't working. People need to understand that it is useless attempting to take away the desired item and the only effective method of suppressing drug use is to take away the reasons as to why someone would use a drug in the first place. You can lock an addict in a room with basic necessities for a month and they'll piss clean when they come out, but that sure as hell won't stop them from using again as soon as they get out of your sight.

    The DEA could control the traditional drugs with ease compared to this new challenge their facing. Even a slight change to the chemical composure of, lets say a synthetic cannabinoid, will make it a different drug that wouldn't show up on a drug test it once may have been detected under.

    Now we got kids huffing Axe, sniffing glue, choking themselves, smoking potpourri, buying random powders online and snorting/smoking them... for what? To avoid being prosecuted because their DARE officer scared them shitless of getting anally raped in the prison they will inevitably get locked up in for smoking a plant?

    Fucking pathetic.

  10. Well said man:hello:
  11. #11 ModalSoul, Feb 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2011

    :eek: You sir, are fucking crazy if you truly believe this. Also, half your arguments are illogical and your sentences make no sense! Wtf were you trying to say in the first paragraph? My 13 year old brother can organize his thoughts and arguments and write better than you can!

    And to answer the OP:

  12. Great post, +rep.
  13. #13 tv1208, Feb 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2011

    It just makes you wonder how many more consequences the public must face before the government tells us that this plant is finally acceptable in their eyes. Honestly, i think small issues like legalization will lead to a bigger issue; federal vs. state rights. And we saw in the past what that led to (Civil War). "Change" as Obama put's it will never come from the government, because the government only wants control. True change will come from the people, but only when they are willing to stand up for that change.

    But i could be wrong, maybe one day the government will start work for the people rather then trying to contain the people.
  14. I am sorry you don't understand the first paragraph,there seems to be plenty that do. Maybe if you knew the history of marijuana prohibition then you would believe everything I wrote.

    Or perhaps you can name a medicine made by a pharmaceutical company that prevents or cures cancer?

    Or perhaps you don't know of the 7 or eight studies and research reports of the cancer treating or blocking attributes of cannabis?

    The same study,paid for and conducted by NIDA,that proved that marijuana smoking does not cause lung cancer and where Dr Tashkin reported the possibility of marijuana use blocking cancer.

    Here are some (just a few of hundreds) links to the studies about cannabis, cancer and Alzheimer's:

    Marijuana Compound May Stop Breast Cancer From Spreading, November 2007:

    Marijuana May Fight Lung Tumors, April 2007:

    THC May Fight Lung Cancer, April 2007:

    Study Finds No Lung Cancer-Marijuana Connection, May 2006:

    Cannabinoids Destroy Cancer, February 2004:

    Cannabinoid Anti-Tumor Effect, July 2003:

    Cannabinoid Treats Tumors, January 2002:

    THC-Tumor Research Funding Cut, February 2001:

    Pot Shrinks Tumors, June 2000:

    THC Destroys Brain Cancers, May 2000:

    Cannabinoid Research Around The World, July 1999:

    US Federal Report Backs Medical Pot, May 1999:

    THC for Tumors, March 1999:

    Cannabis and Cancer Studies from SafeAccess.ca:
    CSA: Research: Studies Showing an Anti-Cancer Effect

    Cancer Research

    How Pot Kills Cancer:

    Israeli researcher develops cannabis compound with unique anti-cancer action:

    Derivatives of cannabis for anti-cancer treatment win:

    Cannabis extract makes brain tumors shrink:

    Report Supressed That Marijuana Components Can Inhibit Cancer Growth:

    Cancer Killer:

    Pot Compounds Halt Spread Of Known Cancer Causing Virus, Study Says:

    Marijuana Extract Fights Brain Cancer in Mice:

    Cannabinoids as Anti-Cancer Agents:

    Cannabinoids destroy cancer:

    Cancer Specialist Explains How Cannabis Keeps Steve Kubby Alive:

    Netherlands: Scientific Conference Hears Of Tumor Reducing:

    Spain: Cannabis Found to Shrink Cancerous Brain Tumours:

    Marijuana's Active Ingredient Kills Leukemia Cells:

    Israel: Cannabis against Cancer:

    Alzheimers Research

    THC vs Alzheimers:

    SFN: Going to Pot May Lower Alzheimer's Risk:

    MJ's Active Ingredient May Actually Improve Memory:

    Marijuana's Key Ingredient May Fight Alzheimers:

    Alzheimer's disease: THC inhibits the enzyme acetylcholinesterase:

    Marijuana May Block Alzheimer's: http://medpot.net/forums//index.php?s...

    But then,if you knew all this already,I apologize for being so stupid.
  15. ^ Hahaha you are crazy!

    I didn't even mention the word Marijuana once in my above post, and I sure as hell didn't argue its medical benefits or its illegality or anything of the sort, so I don't know where you're getting all this from.

    All I said was that your first paragraph didn't make alot of sense because of your horrible grammar and sentence structure, and now you're questioning my knowledge of Marijuana prohibition history and posting dozens of articles? LOL!
  16. So, has it been clarified what the fuck those kids smoked/snorted/inhaled ???

    If it was that potpourri stuff, then I have to say I understand, because I've smoked the stuff before. The problem in my eyes, is that head shops are marketing all of those herbal incenses with "not for human consumption" when they know damn well that smoking them is the EXACT REASON that these substances were created.

    To me, it's the same as the head shops selling all of those bongs, hitters, crack/meth pipes, hookahs, etc. with the whole "these are ONLY for smoking tobacco". It's just bullshit. The head shops know we are buying hitters/bongs for pot, crack heads come in there and buy those clear glass pipes to smoke crack, and kids are buying the herbal incense, not to burn as incense, but to smoke.

    The problem I'm seeing is, nobody's dying directly from all the glass hardware, since it's not the head shop's responsibility what we put into those pipes. However, I'd like to think that it IS the head shop's responsibility if kids are buying this shit, and the head shops KNOW they are smoking it, and kids are dying from it.

    I know the first time I saw these herbal smokes at the head shop, and I saw the "not for human consumption" thing, I was just thinking "riiiight, like how this hitter is for tobacco." So is it really any wonder that people buy these herbs for smoking!?!

    Unfortunately for me, my town is dry, has been dry for several months, and is probably going to continue being dry. So, where does that leave me? Right to the fucking head shop, so I can at least get a fucking head change.
    I've smoked this herbal smoke for months now, and I'd be lying to say that I don't feel any bad effects from it. Every now and then, I get these horrible lower-back spasms, and it only would happen every two or three times I got high off of the legal shit. There ARE side effects to this smoke, but it affects each person different. Hence, why some kids got a little anxiety, some have muscle spasms, and unfortunately one or two kids have died.

    As to what should be done, the only thing that comes to mind is real medical research on these substances. Since little is really known about them, and it is becoming more and more popular, we should at least know what the fuck is in the chemicals that are sprayed onto the potpourri. Also, what the fuck are we supposed to do, when you just can't find any pot, and being sober isn't an option.

    I'm not condoning to anyone to go and smoke the legal shit, it's just what I do, since marijuana just isn't available anymore to me. For now, I just deal with the spasms from smoking it, I just hope it doesn't grow into something worse.

  17. It made perfect sense..

  18. nah man your nuts if you dont beleive it. have you done research? have you actually looked deep within hhistory books and the internet to see why the fuck things are the way they are??
    profit sonny, its all about money, they do NOT give 1 fuck about YOU.

    plus i read his paragraphs just fine, and they get the point across pretty well..
  19. Once again, where the fuck are you two getting that i'm against drug reform or something? I never even talked about it :confused::confused::confused:

    Furthermore, it's obvious that both of you know nothing about history if you think the Holocaust and Spanish Inquisition are "as horific" as Marijuana prohibition. Yes, Marijuana should never have been illegalized in the first place. And yes, it is absolutely ridiculous to imprison and ruin the lives of ordinary citizens for consuming it.

    You must be truly demented to compare prohibition to the Spanish Inquisition and the HOLOCAUST?!?!??

    They're not systematically MURDERING and TORTURING millions of pot smokers around the world for fuck sakes, get a grip!

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