What the actual fuck?! O.o

Discussion in 'General' started by Derwin94, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. ust moments ago, I heard footsteps and movement in my house clear as day. It's 1 AM, everyone is still asleep but me. It sounded like it was coming from downstairs. I then proceeded to grab my knife, and sneak down the stairs so quietly that even I couldn't hear me move. So if there was anyone there they wouldn't of heard. Strange thing is, as soon as I turned on the light, the noise stopped. Then it sounded like it was coming from upstairs What the fuck do I do. I can handle myself, I mean at black belt level in several styles of martial arts, so anyone that dares break in is gonna get it. But, this shit is just fuckin scary! Wat do GC? Slendy is after me :S

    Ok so maybe slenderman isn't after me, but still. What the actual fuck?! I don't know whether to be scared or just pretend it never happened. I mean you hear weird noises at night all the time, but none of which have bothered me until tonight. I know what footsteps in my house sound like, and I fucking heard footsteps!

    Seriously not even stoned aye. Just ran out on Thursday.
    Fuck I hear the noises again.
  2. It's probably just the wind and or the house creaking.
  3. Do you live in an old house?
  4. Better call Zak Bagans to seduce it out of your house.
  5. Once I swore I heard somebody loading a shotgun in my house. Snuck out to stab them and everything and of course there was nobody there.
  6. If its just this one time its probably nothing, if it happens again just run fast as fuck to where you hear the footsteps
  7. It's just Satan, coming to consume your soul...and your weed.
  8. Probably just a drunk uncle
  9. not wind, not house creaking, actual footsteps and movement. I could feel it too. I felt a presence in the house, as soon as I went downstairs and found nothing, I went outside to investigate further. Then after about 20 seconds after being outside, I felt the presence disappear.
  10. Evp that shit tonight, could get something interesting.

    That's a good thread idea actually...
  11. uhhuh, but the world wants to know...
  12. #12 dawntoker, Nov 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2012
    um.. its a ghost. it happens sometimes.

  13. One time a while back I was playing Xbox at like, 3 A.M. , And I hear someone pound on my front door like a motherfucker. My dogs ALWAYS bark when someone knocks, but for some reason those fat fucks didn't bark this time. So I go out and turn on the lights, with a knife in each hand, ready to slit the fuck out of anyone who tries to come in, and I go outside with the front light on and no on was there. And the weird thing is no one else in my house even heard it or woke up. It was a loud knock, my room's halfway across the house from my front door. Just ignore it OP, it'll go away haha, but just in case keep a B-Ball bat and a knife near.
  14. Mostly your weed.
  15. Crocodile Dundee came to tickle you with his knife.
  16. I hope your black belts work on ghosts bro.
  17. That's some scary shit man. I don't wanna scare you or go all "religious"y on you (I don't even have a religion) but I keep some prayers written in my phone and instructions to bless water into holy water just incase. Sounds crazy but if shit happens, I'd rather have a little something to attempt to fight it with. You'll be fine though until it starts effecting you yourself, but if it was going to it probably would have started with you, not just random noises, you're probably fine.

    Don't rule it out being an actual person though, still make sure you're prepared with other stuff. You never know:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06X9qXTvKNQ"]shit happens[/ame]

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