What tha fuck is this????????

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Numbnutts, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. hey blades..i was looking around this morning and I found some crusty hard yellowish white shit coming out the drainage holes..no fuckin clue what it is..its hard like sea salt crust or something...theres nothing wrong with the plant but it worries me..could it be salts or fungus from using grat white and rooters myco??? It looks like thw granules I put in there early on..any ideas? Salt? Mold? Wtf.
    Day 43 in promix with rooters and great white myco fed all organic shit..guano teas..and pura vida..grow and bloom..

    Attached Files:

  2. . Accumulated salts: Plants grown in the same pot for a period of time often show a white or yellow crust on the soil surface and plant stems. This is due to an accumulation of unused salts from fertilizers or hard water. If the salt accumulation reaches certain levels, then plant growth is impaired. At least once a month, apply enough water to the top of the soil to thoroughly leach all excess salts to the bottom of the pot or out the drainage hole. A loose porous soil allows the soil to be leached more easily and decreases salt buildup.
    hope this helps!!!!
  3. calcium and salt.

    you need to fix that.

    give it a massive flush of like store bought reverse osmosis water
  4. id lower the drainage holes to the bottom of bucket...looking at the photo it seems like water/nutes can pool and sit below your drainage points causing a possible buildup..
  5. Well theres so many holes in the bottom drainage is not an issue fifth plant in the same bucket..this is the first time ever that I did nit flush going.into flower..ive never slacked on flushing..always at thirty days then two weeks before chop chop..you guys dont know how glad I am this isnt mold..im scerd of mold .and since I took today off im going to flush right now using clearex..i guess this is a learning experience..never slack on the flush...the plant is yellowing hard core on day 43 should I use bloom one fourth strength in the flush ..maybe in the last gallon to go through?
  6. you're 43 days in...almost done..id just flush without nutes...yellowing is exspected at this stage....you have less then a month to go til harvest? if so....no nutes in flush...my opinion...buds look real nice..id luv a close-up!!
  7. lol...and definitly isnt mold...so u can exhale.....

  8. Thank tha LORDY LORD...i almost shit my pants this morning..anyway I journaled yhe plant . Its the bottom part of my sig..i have xlose ups there

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