What soil is best?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by stonehenge919, Aug 16, 2007.

  1. What type of soil is the best kind of soil 2 grow indoors? and where can i purchase it? something i can go out and buy like from home depot would be easiest or lowes or anything like that. I have been using miracle grow potting soil lately which feeds up2 4 months but i heard it wasnt the best. What would you reccomend? also is perlite on the bottom the best for drainage?
  2. alot of people swear by the fox farms brand on this forum for both soil and nutes. idk what specific products by fox farms are recommended though since im using my own soil from a compost heap that was so old im basically growing my plants in worm shit:D:D:D:D:D:D
  3. I've been using a mixture of "regular potting soil" from Home Depot and then about 10% worm castings and 40% Fox Farms soil. You can't go wrong with Fox Farms, but it's around $20 per bag where I live, which is too costly for me to use for all my pots. I've bought and used the Organic Miracle Gro soil from Home Depot....it's ok, but very very lightweight., and of course, it had slow-release nutrients, which kill seedling.s

    Honestly, I don't believe that you can grow really good weed in 100% Home Depot/Lowe's/Walmart soil. A mixture of "good stuff" and a little of those, yes.
  4. hey guys.
    u can get homedepot dirt but you have to mix it i have tried that perfect mix they have there nice mix of perlite and peat moss. but you should add more perlite.

    i think its best to mix ur own dirt. with some peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite. add a little dolomite lime, blood meal, bone meal, green sand and worm castings and guanno and u have urself some great organic mix.

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