what sex are my plants (pictures)

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by daster, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. just some bag seed plants about 5 out of 13 all look the same as these photos the others dont have anything yet.

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  2. All I see is new growth, :)

  3. Man oh man, go buy a grow book... sorry just really its the best way to learn.

    You can't tell sex on a plant until it has started flowering, there are male flowers which look like little balls and there are female flowers which look like little white hairs... trust me, you'll be able to tell the difference.

    You force them to show flowers give them an even 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness, but let em grow to be a foot tall before you do that.
  4. You won't be able to determin sex for a while yet, they seem much too young. Usually after a month of veg you will start to see pre-flowers forming. It sometimes takes longer depending on the genetics and if the plant is indica or sativa or a mixture of the two which is very common. For females you will see two white hairs form in a 'V' between internodes. A male can be identified by a small ball or spade shaped node that will grow between internodes and eventually release pollen. This spade shaped node will not have hairs like the female and will sometimes hangs off a little stem of its own like a christmas bulb. Look around for pictures as they are everywhere. It's hard to describe what they look like and as they say, a picture says a thousand words.

    If the wait seems too long you can always reduce the light cycle down to 12 hours a day with 12 hours of night. This will force them to show their sex. After sex is determined you can then put them back under 18 hours light and they will resume vegative growth, or you can continue the cycle until they are finished budding. This process will slow down the plants a little and also cause some stress if reverted back to veg from bud. For this reason I don't like to do it and prefer to wait until they show sex naturally.

    Hope this helps and good luck on your bag seed grow. I have also grown from bag seed in the past and sometimes you get really lucky and find a gem of a plant, so make sure you take a few clones from each female before you bud. You might be sad you didn't if one turns out phenomenal. Good luck!


  5. Not entirely true, some plants will show sex under 18/6 or 24/0.
  6. thanks man


    You're speaking of auto strains... lowryder? Please feel free to back up your argument.

    If you are speaking of pre-flowers, very true, those will show under 18/6 but still haven't seen any male flowers show under 18/6 or 24/0 and bin growing for many a years now...

    Daster, I just read my last post... oops didn't mean to sound rude. Not like me at all, I am sorry... Just get a grow book, I still read books as an experienced grower, it can never hurt to learn more!

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