what race are you?

Discussion in 'General' started by ugeman420, Mar 10, 2003.

  1. half japanese

    half caucasin

    part russian

    stir that shit up ya got me
  2. well i was going to say human but that got taken right off the bat. mom is german, dad is half belgum, at least a 1/4 gypsy, and who knows.
  3. yes indeed

    very interesting thread, :p nice to see all the variety
  4. caucasian - all my family comes from britian. they were a part of that "lets get rid of all the criminals" thing.

    i'm a full-blooded newfie from Canada
  5. portugese/american
  6. i'm a white guy :wave:
  7. I guess this makes me the only black person here...
  8. white-ukrainian,british prolly some others if i trace back, but first of all im Canadian
  9. I am a Homo Sapien, whose people developed a lighter tone of skin to protect us from the harsh environment of northern, and western europe.
  10. My mom is from Colombia, South America(ive already heard all the druglord jokes). My dad is from peru. Oh, and by the way...SOUTH AMERICANS ARE NOT MEXICANS YOU GEOGRAPHICALLY CHALLENGED FU**NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Dad's Hungarian, mom's Irish and German. Yup, I'm white.
  12. i'll be the first to say indian
  13. 1/2 German, 1/2 Upper Mohawk. So according to the Indian Act, Chapter 27, Statuetes of Canada (1985) I am a status 'Indian'.
  14. 1/2 italian and 1/2 irish
  15. I'm a montrealer.
  16. aZn ^_^
  17. 1/4 irish 1/4 mexican 1/4 german 1/4 scottish

  18. I'm dirty trash, 1/2 dirty Mexican 1/2 white trash!

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