What other drugs feel like cannabis?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Nathan, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. #1 Nathan, Nov 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2009
    Everytime I try a new drug, I'm always unsatisfied because it doesn't feel like being baked. I guess I'm a little biased :laughing:. Are there any drugs that feel like a stronger/harder/heavy version of bud?

    Edit: Other than hash.
  2. hash and hash oil are all i can think of. i guess some of the jwh-xxx compounds compare pretty closely. i can't personally confirm this
  3. #3 parapa6, Nov 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2009
    Nutmeg always seems to do it for me, in lower doses ofcourse.
  4. um, for me, right after my salvia trips start to come down, i feel a little buzz, but it only lasts like 5 or 10 minutes. nothing really can rival the majesty of the mighty green!
  5. Valium.
  6. how does valium feel like weed? ok, well for me anyways, valium feels like valium, and weed feels like weed. but whatever, i respect your opinion
  7. JWH-018 is the only chemical I've found that even comes close.
  8. Opium, its like weed it really chills you out.

  9. It's the closest thing i could think of. :confused_2:

    You get the same body lock feeling.
  10. What about acid?
  11. Lol, ok. I guess I need to open my mind more.
  12. the only other drug that feels like cannabis would have to be synthetic cannabinoids like jwh-018/jwh-073/jwh-200, etc...

    i dont understand how exactly diazepam would feel like weed, i guess its anxiolytic effects would be similar, but to each his own i guess
  13. ah, now i see what you mean

  14. thats what i would say too
  15. JWH-018 activates the same receptors in your brain as real cananiboids as it's synthetic THC. So i'd say it's probably the best, considering it's engineered to be like bud.
  16. somas give you a pretty good couch lock

  17. yeah it chills you the fuck out but you feel like...nothing. I love opium, its just a good opiate buzz for when you wanna chill, but feel like nothing at the same time. if that makes sense haha. :smoke:

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