What kind of weed is this?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by tswagz, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Is it indica or sativa, and what's the difference between the 2. I guess a better question is can you even tell this young? Well take a look...

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  2. Most of the stuff going around these days is a hybrid of some sort, where did you get it? Indica - round fat leaf
    sativa - longer leaf

    It may be too early to tell though, give it a week or two
  3. Looks like it's at least 50% sativa because my full indica plant had fatter leaves at that age.
  4. Thanks for the info, this plant is growing much faster and healthier than the others, hopefully it turns female. But another quick question. You guys see that whiteish mark on the left big leaf, what is that? it was there when it was growing 2.
  5. Not sure what that is, nothing to be alarmed about though
  6. Its really too early to tell sex or lineage accurately at this point.

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