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What kind of strain?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by FloatinHigh, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. I've never smelled anything like this bud. It's extremely tangy-smelling. I know I see threads like this every day on GC but I am just curious. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1390506325.499867.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1390506336.450053.jpg . It has a shit load of visible trichomes and OJ.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscit
  2. If you see threads like this then you should know the answer
  3. [quote name="TinTizzy" post="19393083" timestamp="1390506497"]If you see threads like this then you should know the answer[/quote] I don't know why people like you even bother commenting on threads. If you're not going to give any input then fuck off lol you think you're funny Sent from my iPhone using Grasscit
  4. [quote name="Some Asian Toker" post="19393090" timestamp="1390506600"]Hey there,I'm thinking it might be blue cheese, from the smell and look.[/quote] ill check it out!Sent from my iPhone using Grasscit
  5. i dont know why i always click on these. thats some hendrix haze my man. 
  6. ^This.  I'm happy for you though it looks super duper, consume it. :smoke:
  7. ^^same here lol. its impossible to tell from pics or smoke report or smell report, enjoy!
  8. [quote name="phunk doc" post="19393132" timestamp="1390507140"]^^same here lol. its impossible to tell from pics or smoke report or smell report, enjoy![/quote] yeah I know I just wanted to get some of the possibilities on what it COULD be. I'm not looking for people to know it right off the bat. Gotchu my dudeSent from my iPhone using Grasscit
  9. #10 FloatinHigh, Jan 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2014

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  10. [quote name="TinTizzy" post="19393083" timestamp="1390506497"]If you see threads like this then you should know the answer[/quote]atleast he actually described it as much as he could to get a more accurate answer. Unlike some who just post a pic and say "what strain is this?" Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum

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