What is your Political Party?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by BongmanB, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. Not looking for arguments, just take the poll. Wanted to see some of GC's political views.

    Toke on :smoking::smoke::bongin:
  2. This should be interesting.
  3. #3 Magical Wizard, Mar 28, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2013
    None of the above?
    Anarchist, because violence is immoral. GC was actually what converted me when I started going in the politics forum.
  4. i voted green party because i usually sharing views with both republicans and democrats. but i would have to call myself a Nationalist. im not really for immigration reform. im for a national language. im not for new gun control. most political topics dont interest me, except drug laws, immigration, and gun control. i couldnt shit for other political topics. i guess i concern myself because i live in south Texas and immigration is a huge problem here. its bigger in texas because we share more border with our unkempt neighbor.
  5. #5 Cereal Killer, Mar 29, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2013
    I voted libertarian. I can't really agree with all the policies of any party. To be honest, I can't even pin myself to a specific political ideaology, just know I'm somewhere within the spectrum of libertarian and anarchist. I think minarchism would be the closest to my own views, I suppose you could say I'm an anti-statist who hasn't run out of excuses yet :D
  6. Libertarian
  7. We need a category for those of us who have never voted out of utter apathy/always being too high to go (same thing lol)
  8. Can you make a category for any politician who will legalize cannabis?

    I'll vote liberal as Justin Trudeau will legalize.
  9. Can't attach myself to any political party all governments are just a bullshit joke.

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