What is your favorite soil/fertilizer mixture?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by sukkerlyn, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. What is the best soil/fertilizer mixture i your opinion, and why?
    Also what brands should i look out for? :)

  2. two schools of thought on this one
    school 1 attempts to create a living organic soil. They have correctly deduced you can't create soil just by adding crap. It is an ongoing process, and could take years, and the process never ends.
    school two admits the life of a pot plant in a container is a very short endeavor, so almost everything is artificial, from the lights, to the A/C to the wind and on and on. And that includes the soil. Or for some, the soilless mixture.
    I just ordered some epsoma products from amazon last night. Free shipping on orders over $35. And I stopped by Menards today to pick up some cheap Schultz peat and perlite, the last they will have until spring.
  3. #4 ProGMO, Oct 9, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2014
    Happy Frog Potting Soil with added 15% perlite lasted 8 weeks no other nutrients in a 2 gallons Smart Pot for Papaya PhotoFem. Now she is on a 1/8 Beastie Bloomz starting 1/8 of recommendation. Gradual to 1/8 increases every 3rd feeding. 2 water then 1 nutrient. Less is more!
  4. I'm having success with Fox Farms Ocean Forest and Fox Farms Light Warrior mixed 1:1 from seed to harvest.
  5. Basically if youre going with organics you just need to make sure youve got enough of everything in the soil to keep that plant happy and enough perlite to airate the soil properly so the soil can breathe.

    Theres ALOT of info about organics in the organics section. Or if you want to go with soil you'll need to add nutrients.

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