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what is wit with people who smoke weed and rap music?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DaSkiMaster, May 5, 2011.

  1. i'm sorry, i love the bud and all but i hate the useless rap. again my opinion, but i just think todays generic rap like wiz khalifa, lil wayne, etc are just pieces of shit and give music and/or rap a bad name. not tht i hate rap in general..just THT kind

    whats wit the thing that most stoners like, or seem to like, all this crappy rap music???

    idk, i'll prolly get bashed for this :p:smoke:
  2. People are going to like what they're going to like, so it's best just to be concerned with what you like. Personally, I mainly listen to rock and punk.
  3. No bashing from me, I hate shitty rap music. And most rap is shitty, just sayin...
  4. listen to kid cudi or ratatat
  5. It's all about bumpin some good rap like dr dre, nas, old eminem and biggie
  6. Well I guess they listen to it because they like it? Why do you listen to the music you listen to? Why are we so concerned about what other people like?

    It's like asking why do I like peanut butter when you hate it. Well it's obviously good to me.

    Do you.
  7. Read title. Was like "You can smoke rap music now???"
  8. dubstep ftw
  9. Rap music it's got a flow
    Rap music good for pissin when ya gotta go
    I keep it real on my tracks
    I keep it real I itch my sack
    I won't deny the lyrics have me hypnotized
    I just got high and I just realized
    I'm an idiot because rap I idolized
    So now I'm coming to a conclusion
    the entire rap game is an illusion
    Life is nothing and I am a faggot
    I'm too drunk and this rap song should be bagged bitch
    Throw it away because olesmoky is gay
    I'll keep it real but what can I say
    Its more like a poem than a rap song
    Thats fine with me cause I'm drunk and high off the bong.
    Thats the end and it doesn't depend I'm out
    One last line in-case you had any doubt.
  10. what did u think blunt raps were for :cool:

  11. now THTS good rap. eminems my favorite. also immortal technique, etc
  12. What's with people caring so much about what other people listen to?

    And fuck standards for what shit should sound like.

  13. o hell ya. although awesome high, can also be very trippy...which i never mind :hello:
  14. what is with people who smoke weed and care so much about what other people are doing with their lives?
  15. whats with everyone caring about what other people think?

    Here, you live your life, and I'll live mine. If we happen to enjoy a lot of things in common, then you'll be my friend. If we don't then we don't have to speak to each other.

    simple as that for your simple ass
    ask about that pretty simple man
    i'm dreaming on good for a sicker plan
    sicker than any other ***** could be thinkin then
  16. Different people, different taste...

    It would be boring if everyone likes the same thing...

    For me:

    Reggae, Dubstep & Rave music FTW! :D:p:smoke::wave:
  17. PANTyRAiD!!!!
  18. i listen to rap because it's what i like. i like all kinds of artist. from Biggie to Run DMC to Ghetto Boyz. i was into rap before weed and i like wiz because when you listen to eminem and the dark rap genre, a little positivity sounds great. only kinda rap i don't like is trap
  19. #19 Thegreengonzo, May 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Favorite albums- slim shady lp, ready to die, the chronic and 2001 and illmatic
  20. The artists you mentioned are why rap has such a bad name. Its because its shit. Not an opinion fact (coming from a hiphop head). If people enjoy that music who cares let them listen to what they want just a shame it gives such a good genre such a bad name.

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